[Python-ideas] package management is not python-dev's problem :-(

Ben Finney ben+python at benfinney.id.au
Wed Jun 8 16:12:05 EDT 2016

Thomas Güttler
<guettliml at thomas-guettler.de> writes:

> >> I would love to see a package management that is easy to use and which
> >> focuses on simple data structures.
> >
> > Also not python-dev's problem - that one falls on distutils-sig, PyPA
> > and the PSF (but unfortunately is never going to be entirely simple
> > given Python's broad scope of use).
> This statement make me sad. Why is this not python-dev's problem?

Because the management of packaging and distribution tools is not very
much related to development of the core language.

The other teams mentioned above do a demonstrably better job, so
‘python-dev’ gets out of their way.

 \     “Don't be misled by the enormous flow of money into bad defacto |
  `\    standards for unsophisticated buyers using poor adaptations of |
_o__)                                     incomplete ideas.” —Alan Kay |
Ben Finney

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