[Python-ideas] Statically checking purity of functions

Jukka Lehtosalo jlehtosalo at gmail.com
Wed Jun 22 06:23:46 EDT 2016

On Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 11:57 AM, Christoph Groth <christoph at grothesque.org>

> This means that any pure function would have to accept as parameters
>> everything it operates on, and you'd need to error on any call to a pure
>> function with impure arguments.
> You mean because one can never be sure about the purity of global
> variables?  That's true, but exactly to the same extent that one cannot be
> sure about the typing annotations of global variables.
> I believe that such "weak" checking for purity would still be useful, just
> as the equally weak verification of typing by mypy is useful.

I'm late to the discussion, but I agree with Christoph. I doubt purity
checking can reliably enforce anything without making it impractically
restrictive, but even best-effort, partial purity checking could be useful,
similar to how mypy is useful. A checker could catch many (but not all)
purity violations and purity annotations would make programs easier to
reason about for humans and tools. I've thought about this a bit in the
past -- mostly in the context of mypy. I'm not sure whether purity checking
would be more than marginally useful, but at least in some use cases it
might be a valuable a tool. For example, purity checking might help with
reasoning about concurrency and parallelism. However, writing a purity
checking tool for Python that is flexible enough that many programmers
would actually want to use it sounds like a difficult (research?) project.

Here are some practical considerations:

1) We'd need to annotate library functions with respect to purity, as
Python derives much of its value from the available libraries, and we'd
want pure functions to be able to use (pure) libraries. Perhaps stubs in
typeshed would have purity annotations for individual functions.
Alternatively, there could be a typeshed-like repository for purity
information only, and a tool could use information from both repositories.
The safest thing would be to default to impure, unless a function is
explicitly annotated as pure.

2) Type annotations would likely be needed for practical checking of
purity, as otherwise things like method calls would be hard to check for
purity. Thus purity checking would be a stricter form of static type

3) For consistency with PEP 484 style gradual typing, we may want to allow
functions without annotations to be called from pure functions. Tools might
make this user-configurable, as this is clearly a big hole in a purity
checking system.

4) It may be necessary to allow impure operations to be used within a pure
function as long the impurity won't be visible outside the function. For
example, perhaps this function should be fine, as an external observer
can't tell whether the function uses pure operations only:

def squares(n: int) -> List[int]:
    a = []
    for i in range(n):
        a.append(i * i)
    return a

I`m not sure if I know how to implement this in a useful way, though. I
believe that there is some prior work in this area (not specific to Python).

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