[Python-ideas] Make py.exe default to Python 3

Alexander Walters tritium-list at sdamon.com
Tue Mar 8 16:34:55 EST 2016

On 3/8/2016 16:29, Ian Kelly wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 8, 2016 at 2:17 PM, Ethan Furman <ethan at stoneleaf.us> wrote:
>> On 03/08/2016 01:11 PM, Alexander Walters wrote:
>>> -1 py.exe should use whatever was first installed by default.  If that's
>>> 2.7, then it's 2.7.  if its python 9.9, then its python 9.9. but it
>>> should use whatever was FIRST installed unless the user changes it.
>> Which is still asking for a change from what happens now; i.e. if 3.3 is
>> installed first, then 2.7, py.exe will default to 2.7.
>> I agree whichever is first installed should be default; I also think
>> installer should have an option to change the py.exe default to the version
>> being installed.
> It would also be nice to have a way to change the default without
> needing to rerun an installer.
I am all for more configuration ex post facto.  We are talking about the 
tyranny of the default though, which is complicated by the fact that it 
wont see the light of day until 3.6 (unless we backport a modified 
version of py.exe in future releases of 2.7 and 3.*).

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