[Python-ideas] Map-then-filter in comprehensions
Alexander Heger
python at 2sn.net
Fri Mar 11 08:13:02 EST 2016
I agree, the second suggestion was also my first though when I read
the initial post.
Seems very natural to me.
If a syntax extension is not desired, the first suggestion looks like
a cookbook example on how to do this to me. Could use tuple instead
of list.
On 9 March 2016 at 09:21, Sjoerd Job Postmus <sjoerdjob at sjec.nl> wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 08, 2016 at 02:17:23PM +0000, Allan Clark wrote:
>> tl;dr What is support like for adding an 'as' clause to comprehension
>> syntax? In order to allow map-then-filter, it might look like something
>> this:
>> [y for x in numbers if abs(x) as y > 5]
>> I wish to propose an extension to Python comprehension syntax in an attempt
>> to make it applicable in more areas. I'll first describe the deficiency I
>> perceive in the current comprehension syntax and then propose my extension.
>> I'll then note some drawbacks. For the purposes of illustration I'll use
>> list comprehension syntax but I believe everything I say is equally
>> applicable to set and dictionary comprehensions. I'll also talk about lists
>> but again (more or less) everything applies to the more general concept of
>> iterables.
>> Comprehensions are essentially a filter followed by a map operation. So if
>> you need to perform a filter operation followed by a map operation over a
>> list, this is pretty convenient in Python. Here we are going to take the
>> absolute value of all even numbers within the range -10 to 10.
>> numbers = range(-10, 10)
>> [abs(x) for x in numbers if x % 2 == 0]
>> However, if you wish to perform a map operation and *then* a filter
>> operation this is not so convenient, so suppose we wish to obtain the
>> absolute value of all numbers that have an absolute value larger than 5, we
>> can do this by calling the mapped method twice:
>> abs(x) for x in numbers if abs(x) > 5]
>> This is a bit unsatisfying and even impossible in the case that the mapped
>> method has some side-effect (although arguably if you find yourself in that
>> situation you have taken a mis-step somewhere). An alternative is to apply
>> the mapping first:
>> [y for y in (abs(x) for x in numbers) if y > 5]
>> I have to say I quite like this, as it is pretty explicit, but it is a bit
>> unsatisfying that you require only one comprehension for a filter-then-map
>> but two for a map-then-filter. What would be nice is if we could give a
>> name to the mapped expression and then use that in the filter.
>> [abs(x) as y for x in numbers if y > 5]
>> I don't like this as it means the order of execution is dependent on
>> whether there is an 'as' clause, in particular the 'if' clause itself may
>> do some computation such as in `if f(y) > 5`.
>> An altenative is to allow 'as' expressions in the condition, something
>> like:
>> [y for x in numbers if abs(x) as y > 5]
>> Note that it would be possible to map to an intermediate result, such as:
>> [y**2 for x in numbers if abs(x) as y > 5]
>> Alternatively we could put the 'as' in the pattern:
>> [y**2 for abs(x) as y in numbers if y > 5]
>> I did not like this as it is obscures the fact that 'x' is being set to
>> each element of 'numbers'. Additionally, we might later wish to adopt a
>> functional programming idiom in which we use 'as' for deconstructive
>> assignment whilst giving a name to the entire matched value, for example:
>> [p for (x,y) as p if x > y]
>> Or more generally:
>> (x,y) as a = f(z)
>> But that is getting somewhat off-topic. I promised some drawbacks:
>> * I am confident there are some implementation gotchas nestling in here
>> somewhere.
>> * I could imagine how abuse of such a mechanism to lead to pretty
>> unreadable code.
>> * I'm still not *that* upset by the explicit map first: `[y for y in
>> (abs(x) for x in numbers) if y > 5]`
>> * I could see how it is not immediately obvious what the code does.
>> * It would need to be decided whether you allowed multiple 'as'
>> expression in the condition, particularly using 'and' or 'or' as in 'if
>> f(a) as x > 5 and f(b) as y > 5'
>> To summarise:
>> * It's a touch annoying that comprehensions allow filter-then-map but
>> not map-then-filter
>> * Three proposed syntaxes are:
>> * [abs(x) as y for x in numbers if y > 5]
>> * [y for x in numbers if abs(x) as y > 5]
>> * [y**2 for abs(x) as y in numbers if y > 5]
>> * My favourite is the middle one.
>> Finally these seem to currently be syntax errors so we should not break any
>> existing code.
> Seeing the many replies, I'm a bit lost as where to best comment. After
> thinking about it for a while, I think that currently it's not
> impossible to do what you want with comprehensions, just a bit
> convoluted.
> [y for x in numbers for y in [abs(x)] if y > 5]
> The tricky part being the `for y in [abs(x)]` basically doing what you
> want: bind the value `abs(x)` to a name (`y`).
> Benefits:
> - It requires no new syntax, no new semantics.
> - You can easily define multiple items at once.
> [y + z for x in numbers for y, z in [(abs(x), sgn(x)] if y > 5]
> - You can still use the original value, in contrast to
> [y for y in (abs(x) for x in numbers) if y > 5]
> Downside:
> - Very unreadable, and probably a long way off from being idiomatic
> Python.
> As for yet another syntax suggestion (if we want to introduce
> something).
> [y for x in numbers with abs(x) as y if y > 5]
> The benefit is that it reads quite natural: "with expr as name".
> Another benefit is that keywords get reused.
> However, that already has semantics outside a comprehension for
> context-managers.
> TL;DR: It's possible with
> [y for x in numbers for y in [abs(x)] if y > 5]
> But the syntax is ugly enough that it does warrant some extra syntactic
> sugar (or something with the same semantics but better performance
> characteristics).
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