[Python-ideas] Adding python to Windows. Was :Re: Make py.exe default to Python 3

Oscar Benjamin oscar.j.benjamin at gmail.com
Wed Mar 16 14:15:42 EDT 2016

On 16 Mar 2016 17:47, "Steve Dower" <steve.dower at python.org> wrote:
> The uninstall problem is actually that "python" would stop working
completely in that case, and it's not necessarily obvious why or how to fix
> The leave-behind problem doesn't really matter as the directory is not
searched if it doesn't exist, but we also don't leave behind entries added
by the installer. A user who customizes their own PATH will obviously need
to manually remove the entry, but that's a manual action both times so I
don't see any concern there.
> At one point I was trying to convince the Windows team to add a global
"python" command to all Windows installs (probably 10 and later - we don't
backport stuff like this, but it could be a manual install) that would act
like the py.exe launcher but also automatically download Python if you
didn't have it. What would people think if I got that to happen?

That would be amazing! Then I guess all the major OSes would ship with
Python making simple Python scripts portable and solving a lot of the
problems that pyinstaller/py2exe try to solve.

Can you expand on how that might work? The detail affects which problems it
would solve. Would it be like the system Python on OSX?

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