[Python-ideas] PEP 484 evolution

Steven D'Aprano steve at pearwood.info
Sat Mar 19 09:27:04 EDT 2016

On Fri, Mar 18, 2016 at 03:51:36PM -0700, Rick Johnson wrote:
> @Everyone: Okay i'm completely confused as to were we are in
> the "type hints" evolution. It seems to have taken all sorts
> of random twists and turns -- will someone please explain?


PEP 484 has been discussed and discussed and discussed here, and on 
Python-Dev. To avoid boring everyone else to death, I suggest you raise 
your initial questions on the python-list mailing list (comp.lang.python 
newsgroup). If you raise them there, I promise I'll answer. (I think 
other c.l.p regulars ChrisA and Terry are also familiar enough with PEP 
484 to answer your questions.)

Then, once you have a better grasp of the background, you can come back 
here with any questions about Guido's newer proposals.

Consider that just a suggestion for the sake of keeping discussion here 
focused on the newest parts of the PEP, rather than going over old 


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