[Python-ideas] keeping things civil (was: Re: PEP 484 evolution)

Rick Johnson rantingrickjohnson at gmail.com
Sat Mar 19 20:57:28 EDT 2016

On Saturday, March 19, 2016 at 2:43:01 PM UTC-5, Brett Cannon wrote:
> I think that's a bit dramatic. As others have pointed out,
> this has already been discussed quite extensively and
> decided upon. The community has not had enough time to
> make an informed opinion on this topic to ask that it be
> removed.

Hi Brett,

I'm wondering what your last sentence is implying. Could you
elaborate please? Here are my two interpretations:

  (1) The community is actively discussing the issues i have
  raised in this thread, but will need more time to decide
  if my fears are indeed valid...

  (2) The community is only testing type-hints in the wild,
  and may decide, at a later date, to remove them if the roll
  out does not go as expected...

> The offers seemed reasonable, so throwing them back in
> their faces doesn't really seem to help anything.

Yes, i will admit that the *offers* they provided where
"reasonable". But i have dealt with Steven and Chris and
Mark for many years, and i can tell you from experience,
that once we move this discussion over to Python-list (which
is unmoderated), the hospitality and decency will quickly
evaporate into the ether. I prefer for this not to descend
into a flame war, and would like to engage in a civil
discourse. I have strong reservations against this "type-
hints feature", at least in its current form, and i know i'm
not the only person who does.

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