[Python-ideas] Integrate some itertools into the Python syntax

Michel Desmoulin desmoulinmichel at gmail.com
Tue Mar 22 16:11:11 EDT 2016

Le 22/03/2016 21:03, Andrew Barnert a écrit :
> On Mar 22, 2016, at 10:51, Michel Desmoulin <desmoulinmichel at gmail.com> wrote:
>> For every slice. We don't, because slicing is part of our standard data
>> processing toolkit. And I think we can make it even better.
>> We already do in some places. E.G: range(10)[3:5] works while range()
>> generate values on the fly. Why ? Because it's convenient, expressive
>> and Pythonic.
> Range is a sequence, just like list and tuple, not an iterator, like generator and list_iterator. So it supports slicing because sequences generally support slicing. Not because it's so convenient and expressive that it's worth making a special case, just because it follows the normal rules.
> It's amazing to me that so many people still describe xrange/3.x range as an iterator or generator, and then draw further incorrect lessons from that. Yes, the docs were a bit confusing up to about 2.4, but how long ago is that now? Lazy sequences are still sequences. Strict non-sequences (like dict) are still not sequences. Lazy vs. strict has almost[1] nothing to do with sequence vs. iterator (or sequence vs. non-sequence collection, or collection vs. iterator, or anything else.)
> ---

Yes, I worded my title with "all iterables", it was a mistake, I didn't
think people would raise the debate on dict, set, etc because it was
obvious to me that nobody would imagine I would try to make slicing work
on those.

I was wrong, but please don't make drown the debate into a battle of
semantics. Ok, let's recenter to lazy sequences, and how convenient it
would be to be able to limit them to a size or a condition without
needing itertools.

And in that context, the fact is that range(1000000) doesn't create
1000000 items in memory, and it's very convenient to be able to slice
it. And it would would be as convenient to be able to do so on
generators (which are sequences) instead of using islice.

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