[Python-ideas] Integrate some itertools into the Python syntax

João Bernardo jbvsmo at gmail.com
Wed Mar 23 20:08:38 EDT 2016

João Bernardo

On Wed, Mar 23, 2016 at 7:18 PM, Michael Selik <mike at selik.org> wrote:

>>> [x for x in range(10) while x < 5]      # takewhile
>>> [x for x in range(10) not while x < 5]  # dropwhile
>>> [x for x in range(10) from x >= 5]      # forward thinking dropwhile
>>> I believe this is almost plain english without creating new keywords.
>> They read well, except for the square brackets which to me imply
>> consuming the entire iterator. Itertools takewhile will early exit,
>> possibly leaving some values on the iterator. If these do consume the
>> entire iterator, what's the difference with the ``if`` clause in a
>> comprehension?
>> But isn't that their purpose? Not consuming. I think that would be easy
>> to learn. +1 on this proposal.
>> This could also prove useful to avoid for-else. :-)
> After the execution of the list comprehension using "while" if the
> condition triggered halfway, would there be anything left in the original
> iterator? If it was a generator expression, we'd say "Yes" immediately.
> As a list comprehension, I'm not sure.

Dropwhile alone would consume the entire iterator for obvious reasons.
Takewhile will stop when necessary, otherwise why implement it?

You could nest them and still be readable:

[x for x in range(10) from x > 3 while x < 7]

Still quite readable. If this were an iterator like "foo = iter(range(10))",
there will be items left in the end.
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