[Python-ideas] Working with Path objects: p-strings?
Alexander Walters
tritium-list at sdamon.com
Sat Mar 26 10:09:57 EDT 2016
I had to read the traditional way to figure out what you were even
trying with the other two, so I don't know how 'natural' it is. As long
as the traditional way continues to be supported, and this is what
pathlib is intended to do, I guess I don't care. I know I'm not going
to use it.
On 3/26/2016 10:03, Michel Desmoulin wrote:
> Because it makes a very common task (FS manipulation) much more natural.
> This is the same reason people like request over urllib or like
> @decorator over func = decorator(func) or unpacking vs manual item extract.
> In a directory of music files, you ave mp3 files you converted to other
> formats. Now you want to remove those conversion. Your task is to find
> all files having the same name as the ones with the mp3 ones, but with a
> different extension, remove them, then list the mp3 absolument path in a
> text file.
> This example has baked in a lot of the tasks you do when you use Python
> as a scripting language at the core of you job such as if it's your glue
> language, if you are a tester or for sysadmin tasks. But it helps also
> everybody that once in a file does a one off script.
> The traditional approach:
> import os
> import glob
> import sys
> root = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1])
> playlist = os.path.join(root, 'playlist.m3u8')
> with open(playlist, 'w') as f:
> for path in glob.glob(os.path.join(root, '*.mp3')):
> name, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))
> for to_remove in glob.glob(os.path.join(root, name + '.*')):
> if not to_remove.endswith('mp3'):
> os.remove(to_remove)
> f.write(os.path.join(root, path) + "\n")
> Now with pathlib you don't have to wonder about whether the feature you
> are looking for is on "os", "os.path" or "glob" or "open". You don't
> have to deal the file opening for such a small script. You don't have to
> switch between functions and methods all the time and have to choose
> between nested function calls or intermediary variables.
> The pathlib version is way easier to figure out without knowing the
> stdlib by heart, it is one line shorter and one level of indent less.
> And you can discover it all from iPython with ".<tab>":
> import sys
> import pathlib
> root = pathlib.Path(sys.argv[1])
> files = []
> for path in root.glob('*.mp3'):
> name = str(path).replace(path.suffix, '.*')
> files.append(str(path.absolute()))
> for to_remove in root.glob(name):
> if to_remove.suffix != ".mp3":
> to_remove.unlink()
> (root / 'playlist.m3u8').write_text('\n'.join(files))
> And this true while pathlib is a half backed written lib, since the
> competition (that existed before pathlib and that pathlib failed to
> inspire from), can do even shorter, easier and cleaner:
> import sys
> import path
> root = path.Path(sys.argv[1]).realpath()
> files = []
> for p in root.glob('*.mp3'):
> name = p.namebase + '.*'
> files.append(p)
> for to_remove in root.glob(name):
> if to_remove.ext != ".mp3":
> to_remove.remove()
> (root / 'playlist.m3u8').write_lines(files)
> Because path.py:
> - inherit from str
> - has all the methods from os, not just a few cherry picked
> - has logical names for attributes and methods
> - have more utilities than pathlib or os
> So yes, if you do a lot of scripting, this is a must. It's also way
> easier for beginers to grasp.
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