[Python-ideas] Working with Path objects: p-strings?

Sven R. Kunze srkunze at mail.de
Tue Mar 29 05:10:17 EDT 2016

On 27.03.2016 19:50, Brett Cannon wrote:
> The trick is whether that import statement will work when you call it. 
> Import is currently the only bit of syntax that relies on Python code 
> in CPython to work and making that happen took a lot of work. If you 
> add in this concept of p-strings then suddenly we have two pieces of 
> syntax that require Python code to work and on top of it p-strings 
> would depend on import but also that we would then have to make sure 
> to not have import depend on p-strings. And on top of it we would have 
> to freeze pathlib and all of its dependencies which may or may not be 
> preferable.
> My point is that it's not straight-forward and this proposal will have 
> to consider some technical difficulties involved with it if it happens 
> to go forward.

What solution can you propose to solve this?

Can this procedure be generalized and smoothed in order to reduce that 
"lot of work" and to some extend enable a simpler language evolution?

Or would it be better to leave the bootstrapping infrastructure alone?


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