[Python-ideas] Working with Path objects: p-strings?

Sven R. Kunze srkunze at mail.de
Tue Mar 29 07:22:19 EDT 2016


On 29.03.2016 12:57, Michel Desmoulin wrote:
> Now I was sad when I learned request would never be part of the stdlib,

Looking at 
Seems to be true.

I wonder if it would be possible/necessary for the stdlib to include a 
set of libraries marked as "featured". Not like "provisional" but more 
like "You should use this one and be aware that it may upgrade faster 
than normal stdlib modules".

Basically like a "pull module". Just a third-party module pulled from 
the source and upgraded with each Python version. That would maintain 
the maintainers flexibility and the increase the availability of these 
"defacto stdlib" modules.

Just wondering.


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