[Python-ideas] Object grabbing

Rob Cliffe rob.cliffe at btinternet.com
Mon May 2 09:27:13 EDT 2016

On 02/05/2016 07:50, Pavol Lisy wrote:
> I just tried to extrapolate this idea a little bit.
> I searched for sources with many "self" in one line and found this
> function in mpmath/calculus/extrapolation.py:
>      def factor_sidi(self, i):
>          return (self.theta + self.n - 1) * (self.theta + self.n - 2) /
> self.ctx.mpf((self.theta + 2 * self.n - i - 2) * (self.theta + 2 *
> self.n - i - 3))
>      def factor_sidi(using self, i):
>          return (.theta + .n - 1) * (.theta + .n - 2) /
> .ctx.mpf((.theta + 2 * .n - i - 2) * (.theta + 2 * .n - i - 3))
> What dou you think?
What is wrong with

     def factor_sidi(self, i):
         theta = self.theta
         n = self.n
         return (theta + n - 1) * (theta + n - 2) /
self.ctx.mpf((theta + 2 * n - i - 2) * (theta + 2 * n - i - 3))

Arguably more readable, and does 6 fewer attribute accesses.

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