[Python-ideas] PEP: Distributing a Subset of the Standard Library

Ethan Furman ethan at stoneleaf.us
Mon Nov 28 17:47:57 EST 2016

On 11/28/2016 02:42 PM, Wolfgang Maier wrote:

> A refined (from my previous post which may have ended up too nested)
>  alternative: instead of triggering an immediate search for a .missing.py
>  file, why not have the interpreter intercept any ModuleNotFoundError
>  that bubbles up to the top without being caught, then uses the name
>  attribute of the exception to look for the .missing.py file. Agreed,
>  this is more complicated to implement, but it would avoid any perfor-
>mance loss in situations where running code knows how to deal with the
>  missing module anyway.

So we only have the hit when the exception is going to kill the interpreter?



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