[Python-ideas] Improve error message when missing 'self' in method definition

Nathan Goldbaum nathan12343 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 5 14:50:44 EDT 2016

On Wed, Oct 5, 2016 at 1:27 PM, Michel Desmoulin <desmoulinmichel at gmail.com>

> +1. Python does need better error messages. This and the recent new import
> exception will really help.
> Will feature freeze prevent this to get into 3.6 if some champion it?

Speaking of, I'm not much of a C hacker, and messing with CPython internals
is a little daunting. If anyone wants to take this on, you have my
blessing. I also may take a shot at implementing this idea in the next
couple weeks when I have some time.

> I also really like https://github.com/SylvainDe/DidYouMean-Python and as
> a trainer, will use it in my next training sessions.
> Le 05/10/2016 à 20:09, Stephan Houben a écrit :
>> +∞
>> Another long-time user here who occasionally still makes this mistake.
>> Stephan
>> 2016-10-05 19:29 GMT+02:00 Paul Moore <p.f.moore at gmail.com
>> <mailto:p.f.moore at gmail.com>>:
>>     On 5 October 2016 at 18:17, Lisa Roach <lisaroach14 at gmail.com
>>     <mailto:lisaroach14 at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>     > +1
>>     >
>>     > I've definitely seen a lot of new users make this error, an
>> improved message
>>     > could go a long way.
>>     I'm not a new user by any means, and I still regularly make this
>>     mistake. Because I've got the experience, I recognise the error when I
>>     see it, but that's not much help for people who haven't already made
>>     the mistake hundreds of times :-)
>>     +1 on improving the message.
>>     Paul
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