[Python-ideas] Reduce/fold and scan with generator expressions and comprehensions

Danilo J. S. Bellini danilo.bellini at gmail.com
Sun Oct 23 12:38:52 EDT 2016

> I would have preferred this signature to start with, but it's easy to
> wrap.
Indeed, but a default value for the first argument requires a default value
for all arguments. It's a syntax error, but I agree a "range-like"
signature like that would be better.

My reference scan implementation (that's how I thought itertools.accumulate
should be):

A new "functools.scan" with a signature like the one from the link above
would be nice, but it would overlap with itertools.accumulate in some
sense. The advantages would be:

1 - The scan signature and the functools.reduce signature are the same (the
function as the first parameter, like map/filter)
2 - The module, functools, is the same that has the reduce function

Danilo J. S. Bellini
"*It is not our business to set up prohibitions, but to arrive at
conventions.*" (R. Carnap)
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