[Python-ideas] A better interactive prompt

Tim Mitchell tim.mitchell at leapfrog3d.com
Wed Oct 26 19:05:31 EDT 2016

Windows folk do not type

pip install ipython

On windows it's much easier:

1) install pycharm (because it has UI for installing packages)
2) Go to settings > project interpreter
3) select the python interpeter you want to use
4) click the + button
5) search through the entire pypi listing for IPython
6) click install package

(Off topic I know - but I couldn't resist!)

> I'll just say that on Windows 10 I have ConEmu installed, and I edit the
> startup file to point me to umpteen different places where I want to work.
> Ipython is one of them.  Of course it is extremely difficult to install.
> My understanding is that on Windows folk find it difficult to type:-
> pip install ipython
> What have I missed?
> --
> Mark Lawrence
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