[Python-ideas] shuffled

Steven D'Aprano steve at pearwood.info
Tue Sep 6 10:02:43 EDT 2016

On Tue, Sep 06, 2016 at 11:43:54AM +0200, Arek Bulski wrote:

> They closed it. Will they accept a patch if I send it?

Truth is, probably not. You would need to convince Raymond (and to a 
lesser extent, Tim) that this is a good idea. See my last email for the 
*minimum* of what you would need to show.

Without a patch, there is no chance this will happen: I'm not going to 
do it, and Raymond definitely won't since he doesn't think it is 

With a patch, you might have a tiny chance.

But frankly, I think you would be better off just adding it to your own 
personal toolbox of functions. Not everything has to be in the standard 

> Where is the repo for the code? Never submitted anything to py code base.



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