[Python-ideas] Shuffled

Danilo J. S. Bellini danilo.bellini at gmail.com
Thu Sep 8 06:13:06 EDT 2016

> That wont work because I would have to type the expression that is used as
> argument twice in a test.

(lambda data: random.sample(data, len(data)))(container)

That lambda is actually your "shuffled"...

2016-09-08 6:34 GMT-03:00 Arek Bulski <arek.bulski at gmail.com>:

> > So, why can't you call random.shuffle(all_tests) if you want to run
> your tests in random order?
> I dont randomize test order. People should stop assuming that they know
> better. I need to randomize some arguments for one particular test and I
> cannot call shuffle between tests. Its a continous list of declarative
> tests. Needs to be shuffled().
> https://github.com/construct/construct/blob/master/tests/test_all.py
> See? No way to put imperative code between tests.
> > sample(container, len(container))
> That wont work because I would have to type the expression that is used as
> argument twice in a test. I need shuffled. Enough said.
> > I'll reiterate that I don't have a use case for this myself...
> I dont have a use case for half of what the std library offers. Or for
> type annotations. Asynchronous comprehesions, what is that? Do you see me
> rejecting those?
> > (sample having default of entire list size)
> That would work but would not be pretty. shuffled() is self explanatory
> and has a nice ring to it. Randomized list is not a sample by definition.
> pozdrawiam,
> Arkadiusz Bulski
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Danilo J. S. Bellini
"*It is not our business to set up prohibitions, but to arrive at
conventions.*" (R. Carnap)
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