[Python-ideas] Fwd: Null coalescing operator

Rob Cliffe rob.cliffe at btinternet.com
Mon Sep 12 21:14:20 EDT 2016

On 13/09/2016 01:45, Rob Cliffe wrote:
> On 12/09/2016 16:37, Guido van Rossum wrote:
>> For the record, I still really don't like PEP 463. We should strive to
>> catch fewer exceptions, not make it easier to catch them.
> Can you please clarify what you are saying in the last sentence?
> The first time I read it, my brain parsed it as "People should raise 
> fewer exceptions, i.e. use LBYL less".
Typo: I meant EAFP not LBYL - sorry!
> Later it seemed more likely that you meant "The set of exceptions we 
> catch in a specific piece of code should not be too large; we should 
> only catch those exceptions that we really mean to handle".
> But perhaps you mean something else altogether?
> Also I don't see the connection between the first sentence and the 
> second.  Exception-catching expressions as per PEP 463 just give you a 
> more concise way of of doing something you can do with try+except.  Do 
> you mean it would make it easier to catch exceptions because you have 
> to type fewer characters, and that this would be a bad thing?
> Thanks,
> Rob Cliffe
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