[Python-ideas] Suggestion: Clear screen command for the REPL

João Matos jcrmatos at gmail.com
Sat Sep 17 09:37:22 EDT 2016


I searched and found several possible solutions to clear the screen in 
the CPython REPL, but all are, in my opinion, complex for a newbie.
The existence of a clear command would be a simple and obvious, 
therefore accessible to newbies.

Best regards,


On 17-09-2016 14:34, eryk sun wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 17, 2016 at 11:11 AM, João Matos <jcrmatos at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 17-09-2016 12:07, Oleg Broytman wrote:
>>>      Pressing [Ctrl]+[L] works for me.
>> Doesn't work on Windows.
> Windows 10 added VT100 support to the console, so you can create a
> little cls() function to clear the screen:
>      cls = lambda: print('\x1b[1J', end='', flush=True)
> VT100 support isn't enabled by default. However, cmd.exe always
> enables this mode. So run doskey.exe via os.system to enable VT100
> mode while setting a convenient "cls" alias:
>      import os
>      os.system(r'doskey /exename=python.exe cls=cls()')
> This alias substitutes "cls()" for "cls" at the beginning of a line.
> This saves you from having to type "()" all the time. The alias isn't
> active for other programs; e.g. if you execute
> subprocess.call('powershell'), then "cls" will be the PowerShell alias
> for Clear-Host.
> You can also use ctypes instead of os.system and doskey.exe:
>      import ctypes
>      kernel32 = ctypes.WinDLL('kernel32')
>      hStdOut = kernel32.GetStdHandle(-11)
>      # enable VT100 mode
>      mode = (ctypes.c_uint * 1)()
>      kernel32.GetConsoleMode(hStdOut, mode)
>      kernel32.SetConsoleMode(hStdOut, mode[0] | 4)
>      # define a cls() function and set a console alias
>      cls = lambda: print('\x1b[1J', end='', flush=True)
>      kernel32.AddConsoleAliasW('cls', 'cls()', 'python.exe')
> For older versions of Windows you can use ANSICON or ConEmu, which use
> DLL injection to extend the console API. Python's colorama and
> pyreadline modules should also work for this.
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