[Python-ideas] from __pip__ import
elazarg at gmail.com
Mon Sep 19 13:20:13 EDT 2016
from __pip__ import "run-lambda>=0.1.0"
Which is ugly but not my fault :)
On Mon, Sep 19, 2016 at 8:16 PM Sven R. Kunze <srkunze at mail.de> wrote:
> I can definitely understand your point.
> The only issue with it (besides that it doesn't seem to be a good way for
> dependency management) is how do you manage the syntax involved here?
> Pip provides distributions. Each distribution contains a set of packages
> and modules. The latter can be imported, the former not. That's also due to
> the fact that the name of distribution can contain minuses:
> from __pip__ import nova-lxd # would this work?
> What about versions?
> from __pip__ import run-lambda>=0.1.0 # would this work?
> Maybe, I thinking too complicated here but if it works for, say,
> "requests" people tend to want it for special cases as well. :)
> Cheers,
> Sven
> On 19.09.2016 18:55, אלעזר wrote:
> A library in PyPi still requires installing it, which undermine many of
> the benefits. It won't help me with my gist/activestate recipe, code that I
> send to a friend, etc. I want to lower the barrier of inexperienced users.
> As a documentation of dependencies it will suffice indeed.
> Elazar
> On Mon, Sep 19, 2016 at 7:38 PM Ethan Furman <ethan at stoneleaf.us> wrote:
>> On 09/19/2016 09:25 AM, אלעזר wrote:
>> > Many proposals to add something to stdlib are rejected here with the
>> suggestion to add such library to pypi first. As noted by someone, pypi is
>> not as reachable as stdlib, and one should install that package first,
>> which many people don't know how. Additionally, there is no natural
>> distinction between 3rd party dependencies and in-project imports (at least
>> in tiny projects).
>> >
>> > This can be made easier if the first line of the program will declare
>> the required library, and executing it will try to download and install
>> that library if it is not installed yet. Additionally, the 3rd party
>> dependencies will be more explicit, and editors can then allow you to
>> search for them as you type.
>> >
>> > Of course it is *not* an alternative for real dependency management,
>> but it will ease the burden on small scripts and tiny projects - which
>> today simply break with errors that many users does not understand, instead
>> of simply asking permission to install the dependency.
>> This should start out as a library on PyPI. (Sorry, couldn't resist. ;)
>> Actually, it should. Perhaps a name of "import_pip" would make sense?
>> Any hurdles faced by this library would be (mostly) the same as a stdlib
>> version.
>> --
>> ~Ethan~
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