[Python-ideas] Delay evaluation of annotations
Nick Coghlan
ncoghlan at gmail.com
Sun Sep 25 12:07:01 EDT 2016
On 25 September 2016 at 11:55, אלעזר <elazarg at gmail.com> wrote:
> I promised not to bother you, but I really can't. So here's what I felt I
> have to say. This email is quite long. Please do not feel obliged to read
> it. You might find some things you'll want to bash at the end though :)
> Short-ish version:
> 1. Please consider disallowing the use of side effects of any kind in
> annotations, in that it is not promised when it will happen, if at all.
This may be part of the confusion, as Python is a language with a
*reference implementation*, rather than relying solely on a documented
language specification. Unless we specifically call something out in
the language reference and/or the test suite as a CPython
implementation detail, then "what CPython does" should be taken as the
specification. While we're fairly permissive in allowing alternative
implementations to deviate a bit and still call themselves Python, and
sometimes alternate implementation authors point out quirky behaviours
and we declare them to be bugs in CPython, "CPython correctly
implements the Python language specification" is still the baseline
So the order of evaluation for annotations with side effects has been
defined since 3.0 came out:
>>> def func(a:print("A1")=print("D1"), b:print("A2")=print("D2"))
-> print("Areturn"):
... pass
That is, at function definition time:
- default values are evaluated from left to right
- annotations are evaluated from left to right
> So
> that a change 3 years from now will be somewhat less likely to break things.
> Please consider doing this for version 3.6; it is feature-frozen, but this
> is not (yet) a feature, and I got the feeling it is hardly controversial.
> I really have no interest in wasting the time of anybody here. If this
> request is not something you would ever consider, please ignore the rest of
> this email.
I don't think you're wasting anyone's time - this is a genuinely
complex topic, and some of it relates to design instinct about what
keeps a language relatively easy to learn. However, I do think we're
talking past each other a bit.
I suspect the above point regarding the differences between languages
that are formally defined by a written specification and those like
Python that let a particular implementation (in our case, CPython)
fill in the details not otherwise written down may be a contributing
factor to that
Another may be that there are some things (like advanced
metaprogramming techniques) where making them easy isn't actually a
goal we necessarily pursue: we want to ensure they're *possible*, as
in some situations they really are the best available answer, but we
also want to guide folks towards simpler alternatives when those
simpler alternatives are sufficient.
PEP 487 is an interesting example of that, as that has the express
goal of taking two broad categories of use cases that currently
require a custom metaclass (implicitly affecting the definition of
subclasses and letting descriptors know the attribute name they're
bound to), and making them standard parts of the default class
definition protocol. Ideally, this will lead to *fewer* custom
metaclasses being defined in the future, with folks being able to
instead rely on normal class definitions and those simpler extracted
> 2. A refined proposal for future versions of the language: the ASTs of the
> annotation-expressions will be bound to __raw_annotations__.
> * This is actually more in line to what PEP-3107 was about ("no assigned
> semantics"; except for a single sentence, it is only about expressions. Not
> objects).
PEP 3107 came with a reference implementation, it wasn't just the
written PEP content:
> * This is helpful even if the expression is evaluated at definition time,
> and can help in smoothing the transformation.
We talk about the idea of expression quoting and AST preservation
fairly often, but it's not easy to extract from the archives unless
you already know roughly what you're looking for - it tends to come up
as a possible solution to *other* problems, and each time we either
decide to leave the problem unsolved, or find a simpler alternative to
letting the "syntactic support for AST metaprogramming" genie out of
the bottle.
Currently, the only supported interfaces for this are using the
ast.parse() helper, or passing the ast.PyCF_ONLY_AST flag to the
compile() builtin.
This approach gives alternative implementations a fair bit of
flexibility to *not* use that AST internally if it doesn't help their
particular implementation. Once you start tying it in directly to
language level features, though, it starts to remove a lot of that
implementation flexibility.
> 3. The main benefit from my proposal is that contracts (examples,
> explanations, assertions, and types) are naturally expressible as (almost)
> arbitrary Python expressions, but not if they are evaluated or evaluatable,
> at definition time, by the interpreter. Why: because it is really written in
> a different language - *always*. This is the real reason behind the
> existence, and the current solutions, of the forward reference problem. In
> general it is much more flexible than current situation.
"More flexible" is only a virtue if you have concrete use cases in
mind that can't otherwise be addressed today.
Since you mention design-by-contract, you may want to take a look at
https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0316/ which is an old deferred
proposal to support DBC by way of a particular formatting convention
in docstrings, especially as special formatting in docstrings was one
of the main ways folks did type annotations before PEP 3107 added
dedicated syntax for them.
> 4. For compatibility, a new raw_annotations() function will be added, and a
> new annotations() function will be used to get the eval()ed version of them.
Nothing *new* can ever be added for compatibility reasons: by
definition, preserving backwards compatibility means old code
continuing to run *without modification*.
New interfaces can be added to simplify migration of old code, but
it's not the same thing as actually preserving backwards
> Similarly to dir(), locals() and globals().
> * Accessing __annotations__ should work like calling annotations(), but
> frowned upon, as it might disappear in the far future.
> * Of course other `inspect` functions should give the same results as
> today.
> * Calling annotations()['a'] is like a eval(raw_annotations()['a']) which
> resembles eval(raw_input()).
> I believe the last point has a very good reason, as explained later: it is
> an interpretation of a different language, foreign to the interpreter,
> although sometimes close enough to be useful. It is of course well formed,
> so the considerations are not really security-related.
Here you're getting into the question of expression quoting, and for a
statement level version of that, you may want to explore the thread at
(I started that thread because I'd had an idea I needed to share so I
could stop thinking about it, but I also think more syntactic sugar
for metaprogramming isn't really something the vast majority of Python
developers actually need)
Mython, which was built as a variant of Python 2 with more
metaprogramming features is also worth a look: http://mython.org/
> I am willing to do any hard work that will make this proposal happen
> (evaluating existing libraries, implementing changes to CPython, etc) given
> a reasonable chance for acceptance.
I think the two basic road blocks you're running into are:
- the order of evaluation for annotations with side effects is already
well defined and has been since Python 3.0. It's just defined by the
way CPython works as the reference implementation, rather than in
English prose anywhere.
- delayed evaluation already has two forms in Python (function scopes
and quoted strings) and adding a third is a *really* controversial
prospect, but if you don't add a third, you run into the fact that all
function scopes inside a class scope are treated as methods by the
Stephen's post went into more detail on *why* that second point is so
controversial: because it's a relatively major increase in the
underlying complexity of the runtime execution model.
The most recent run at it that I recall was my suggestion to extend
f-strings (which are eagerly evaluated) to a more general purpose
namespace capturing capability in
That's deferred pending more experience with f-strings between now and
the 3.7 beta, but at this point I'll honestly be surprised if the
simple expedient of "lambda: <f-string>" doesn't turn out to be
sufficient to cover any delayed evaluation needs that arise in
practice (folks tend not to put complex logic in their class bodies).
> Stephen - I read your last email only after writing this one; I think I have
> partially addressed the lookup issue (with ASTs and scopes), and partially
> agree: if there's a problem implementing this feature, I should look deeper
> into it. But I want to know that it _might_ be considered seriously, _if_ it
> is implementable. I also think that Nick refuted the claim that evaluation
> time and lookup *today* are so simple to explain. I know I have hard time
> explaining them to people.
Most folks coming from pre-compiled languages like C++, C# & Java
struggle with the fact that Python doesn't have separate compile time
constructs (which deal with function, class and method declarations)
and runtime constructs (which are your traditional control flow
Instead, Python just has runtime statements, and function and class
definition are executed when encountered, just like any other
statement. This fundamentally changes the relationship between compile
time, definition time, and call time, most significantly by having
"definition time" be something that happens during the operation of
the program itself.
> Nick, I have read your blog post about the high bar required for
> compatibility break, and I follow this mailing list for a while. So I agree
> with the reasoning (from my very, very little experience); I only want to
> understand where is this break of compatibility happen, because I can't see
> it.
This code works as a doctest today:
>>> def func(a: "Expected output"):
... pass
>>> print(func.__annotations__["a"])
Expected output
Any change that breaks that currently valid doctest is necessarily a
compatibility break for the way annotations are handled at runtime. It
doesn't matter for that determination how small the change to fix the
second command is, it only matters that it *would* have to change in
some way.
In particular, switching to delayed evaluation would break all the
introspection tools that currently read annotations at runtime, both
those in the standard library (like inspect.signature() and pydoc),
and those in third party tools (like IDEs).
Nick Coghlan | ncoghlan at gmail.com | Brisbane, Australia
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