[Python-ideas] New PEP 550: Execution Context
Nathaniel Smith
njs at pobox.com
Sat Aug 12 19:35:44 EDT 2017
I had an idea for an alternative API that exposes the same
functionality/semantics as the current draft, but that might have some
advantages. It would look like:
# a "context item" is an object that holds a context-sensitive value
# each call to create_context_item creates a new one
ci = sys.create_context_item()
# Set the value of this item in the current context
# Get the value of this item in the current context
value = ci.get()
value = ci.get(default)
# To support async libraries, we need some way to capture the whole context
# But an opaque token representing "all context item values" is enough
state_token = sys.current_context_state_token()
coro.cr_state_token = state_token
# etc.
The advantages are:
- Eliminates the current PEP's issues with namespace collision; every
context item is automatically distinct from all others.
- Eliminates the need for the None-means-del hack.
- Lets the interpreter hide the details of garbage collecting context values.
- Allows for more implementation flexibility. This could be
implemented directly on top of Yury's current prototype. But it could
also, for example, be implemented by storing the context values in a
flat array, where each context item is assigned an index when it's
allocated. In the current draft this is suggested as a possible
extension for particularly performance-sensitive users, but this way
we'd have the option of making everything fast without changing or
extending the API.
As precedent, this is basically the API that low-level thread-local
storage implementations use; see e.g. pthread_key_create,
pthread_getspecific, pthread_setspecific. (And the
allocate-an-index-in-a-table is the implementation that fast
thread-local storage implementations use too.)
On Fri, Aug 11, 2017 at 3:37 PM, Yury Selivanov <yselivanov.ml at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> This is a new PEP to implement Execution Contexts in Python.
> The PEP is in-flight to python.org, and in the meanwhile can
> be read on GitHub:
> https://github.com/python/peps/blob/master/pep-0550.rst
> (it contains a few diagrams and charts, so please read it there.)
> Thank you!
> Yury
> PEP: 550
> Title: Execution Context
> Version: $Revision$
> Last-Modified: $Date$
> Author: Yury Selivanov <yury at magic.io>
> Status: Draft
> Type: Standards Track
> Content-Type: text/x-rst
> Created: 11-Aug-2017
> Python-Version: 3.7
> Post-History: 11-Aug-2017
> Abstract
> ========
> This PEP proposes a new mechanism to manage execution state--the
> logical environment in which a function, a thread, a generator,
> or a coroutine executes in.
> A few examples of where having a reliable state storage is required:
> * Context managers like decimal contexts, ``numpy.errstate``,
> and ``warnings.catch_warnings``;
> * Storing request-related data such as security tokens and request
> data in web applications;
> * Profiling, tracing, and logging in complex and large code bases.
> The usual solution for storing state is to use a Thread-local Storage
> (TLS), implemented in the standard library as ``threading.local()``.
> Unfortunately, TLS does not work for isolating state of generators or
> asynchronous code because such code shares a single thread.
> Rationale
> =========
> Traditionally a Thread-local Storage (TLS) is used for storing the
> state. However, the major flaw of using the TLS is that it works only
> for multi-threaded code. It is not possible to reliably contain the
> state within a generator or a coroutine. For example, consider
> the following generator::
> def calculate(precision, ...):
> with decimal.localcontext() as ctx:
> # Set the precision for decimal calculations
> # inside this block
> ctx.prec = precision
> yield calculate_something()
> yield calculate_something_else()
> Decimal context is using a TLS to store the state, and because TLS is
> not aware of generators, the state can leak. The above code will
> not work correctly, if a user iterates over the ``calculate()``
> generator with different precisions in parallel::
> g1 = calculate(100)
> g2 = calculate(50)
> items = list(zip(g1, g2))
> # items[0] will be a tuple of:
> # first value from g1 calculated with 100 precision,
> # first value from g2 calculated with 50 precision.
> #
> # items[1] will be a tuple of:
> # second value from g1 calculated with 50 precision,
> # second value from g2 calculated with 50 precision.
> An even scarier example would be using decimals to represent money
> in an async/await application: decimal calculations can suddenly
> lose precision in the middle of processing a request. Currently,
> bugs like this are extremely hard to find and fix.
> Another common need for web applications is to have access to the
> current request object, or security context, or, simply, the request
> URL for logging or submitting performance tracing data::
> async def handle_http_request(request):
> context.current_http_request = request
> await ...
> # Invoke your framework code, render templates,
> # make DB queries, etc, and use the global
> # 'current_http_request' in that code.
> # This isn't currently possible to do reliably
> # in asyncio out of the box.
> These examples are just a few out of many, where a reliable way to
> store context data is absolutely needed.
> The inability to use TLS for asynchronous code has lead to
> proliferation of ad-hoc solutions, limited to be supported only by
> code that was explicitly enabled to work with them.
> Current status quo is that any library, including the standard
> library, that uses a TLS, will likely not work as expected in
> asynchronous code or with generators (see [3]_ as an example issue.)
> Some languages that have coroutines or generators recommend to
> manually pass a ``context`` object to every function, see [1]_
> describing the pattern for Go. This approach, however, has limited
> use for Python, where we have a huge ecosystem that was built to work
> with a TLS-like context. Moreover, passing the context explicitly
> does not work at all for libraries like ``decimal`` or ``numpy``,
> which use operator overloading.
> .NET runtime, which has support for async/await, has a generic
> solution of this problem, called ``ExecutionContext`` (see [2]_).
> On the surface, working with it is very similar to working with a TLS,
> but the former explicitly supports asynchronous code.
> Goals
> =====
> The goal of this PEP is to provide a more reliable alternative to
> ``threading.local()``. It should be explicitly designed to work with
> Python execution model, equally supporting threads, generators, and
> coroutines.
> An acceptable solution for Python should meet the following
> requirements:
> * Transparent support for code executing in threads, coroutines,
> and generators with an easy to use API.
> * Negligible impact on the performance of the existing code or the
> code that will be using the new mechanism.
> * Fast C API for packages like ``decimal`` and ``numpy``.
> Explicit is still better than implicit, hence the new APIs should only
> be used when there is no option to pass the state explicitly.
> With this PEP implemented, it should be possible to update a context
> manager like the below::
> _local = threading.local()
> @contextmanager
> def context(x):
> old_x = getattr(_local, 'x', None)
> _local.x = x
> try:
> yield
> finally:
> _local.x = old_x
> to a more robust version that can be reliably used in generators
> and async/await code, with a simple transformation::
> @contextmanager
> def context(x):
> old_x = get_execution_context_item('x')
> set_execution_context_item('x', x)
> try:
> yield
> finally:
> set_execution_context_item('x', old_x)
> Specification
> =============
> This proposal introduces a new concept called Execution Context (EC),
> along with a set of Python APIs and C APIs to interact with it.
> EC is implemented using an immutable mapping. Every modification
> of the mapping produces a new copy of it. To illustrate what it
> means let's compare it to how we work with tuples in Python::
> a0 = ()
> a1 = a0 + (1,)
> a2 = a1 + (2,)
> # a0 is an empty tuple
> # a1 is (1,)
> # a2 is (1, 2)
> Manipulating an EC object would be similar::
> a0 = EC()
> a1 = a0.set('foo', 'bar')
> a2 = a1.set('spam', 'ham')
> # a0 is an empty mapping
> # a1 is {'foo': 'bar'}
> # a2 is {'foo': 'bar', 'spam': 'ham'}
> In CPython, every thread that can execute Python code has a
> corresponding ``PyThreadState`` object. It encapsulates important
> runtime information like a pointer to the current frame, and is
> being used by the ceval loop extensively. We add a new field to
> ``PyThreadState``, called ``exec_context``, which points to the
> current EC object.
> We also introduce a set of APIs to work with Execution Context.
> In this section we will only cover two functions that are needed to
> explain how Execution Context works. See the full list of new APIs
> in the `New APIs`_ section.
> * ``sys.get_execution_context_item(key, default=None)``: lookup
> ``key`` in the EC of the executing thread. If not found,
> return ``default``.
> * ``sys.set_execution_context_item(key, value)``: get the
> current EC of the executing thread. Add a ``key``/``value``
> item to it, which will produce a new EC object. Set the
> new object as the current one for the executing thread.
> In pseudo-code::
> tstate = PyThreadState_GET()
> ec = tstate.exec_context
> ec2 = ec.set(key, value)
> tstate.exec_context = ec2
> Note, that some important implementation details and optimizations
> are omitted here, and will be covered in later sections of this PEP.
> Now let's see how Execution Contexts work with regular multi-threaded
> code, generators, and coroutines.
> Regular & Multithreaded Code
> ----------------------------
> For regular Python code, EC behaves just like a thread-local. Any
> modification of the EC object produces a new one, which is immediately
> set as the current one for the thread state.
> .. figure:: pep-0550/functions.png
> :align: center
> :width: 90%
> Figure 1. Execution Context flow in a thread.
> As Figure 1 illustrates, if a function calls
> ``set_execution_context_item()``, the modification of the execution
> context will be visible to all subsequent calls and to the caller::
> def set_foo():
> set_execution_context_item('foo', 'spam')
> set_execution_context_item('foo', 'bar')
> print(get_execution_context_item('foo'))
> set_foo()
> print(get_execution_context_item('foo'))
> # will print:
> # bar
> # spam
> Coroutines
> ----------
> Python :pep:`492` coroutines are used to implement cooperative
> multitasking. For a Python end-user they are similar to threads,
> especially when it comes to sharing resources or modifying
> the global state.
> An event loop is needed to schedule coroutines. Coroutines that
> are explicitly scheduled by the user are usually called Tasks.
> When a coroutine is scheduled, it can schedule other coroutines using
> an ``await`` expression. In async/await world, awaiting a coroutine
> can be viewed as a different calling convention: Tasks are similar to
> threads, and awaiting on coroutines within a Task is similar to
> calling functions within a thread.
> By drawing a parallel between regular multithreaded code and
> async/await, it becomes apparent that any modification of the
> execution context within one Task should be visible to all coroutines
> scheduled within it. Any execution context modifications, however,
> must not be visible to other Tasks executing within the same thread.
> To achieve this, a small set of modifications to the coroutine object
> is needed:
> * When a coroutine object is instantiated, it saves a reference to
> the current execution context object to its ``cr_execution_context``
> attribute.
> * Coroutine's ``.send()`` and ``.throw()`` methods are modified as
> follows (in pseudo-C)::
> if coro->cr_isolated_execution_context:
> # Save a reference to the current execution context
> old_context = tstate->execution_context
> # Set our saved execution context as the current
> # for the current thread.
> tstate->execution_context = coro->cr_execution_context
> try:
> # Perform the actual `Coroutine.send()` or
> # `Coroutine.throw()` call.
> return coro->send(...)
> finally:
> # Save a reference to the updated execution_context.
> # We will need it later, when `.send()` or `.throw()`
> # are called again.
> coro->cr_execution_context = tstate->execution_context
> # Restore thread's execution context to what it was before
> # invoking this coroutine.
> tstate->execution_context = old_context
> else:
> # Perform the actual `Coroutine.send()` or
> # `Coroutine.throw()` call.
> return coro->send(...)
> * ``cr_isolated_execution_context`` is a new attribute on coroutine
> objects. Set to ``True`` by default, it makes any execution context
> modifications performed by coroutine to stay visible only to that
> coroutine.
> When Python interpreter sees an ``await`` instruction, it flips
> ``cr_isolated_execution_context`` to ``False`` for the coroutine
> that is about to be awaited. This makes any changes to execution
> context made by nested coroutine calls within a Task to be visible
> throughout the Task.
> Because the top-level coroutine (Task) cannot be scheduled with
> ``await`` (in asyncio you need to call ``loop.create_task()`` or
> ``asyncio.ensure_future()`` to schedule a Task), all execution
> context modifications are guaranteed to stay within the Task.
> * We always work with ``tstate->exec_context``. We use
> ``coro->cr_execution_context`` only to store coroutine's execution
> context when it is not executing.
> Figure 2 below illustrates how execution context mutations work with
> coroutines.
> .. figure:: pep-0550/coroutines.png
> :align: center
> :width: 90%
> Figure 2. Execution Context flow in coroutines.
> In the above diagram:
> * When "coro1" is created, it saves a reference to the current
> execution context "2".
> * If it makes any change to the context, it will have its own
> execution context branch "2.1".
> * When it awaits on "coro2", any subsequent changes it does to
> the execution context are visible to "coro1", but not outside
> of it.
> In code::
> async def inner_foo():
> print('inner_foo:', get_execution_context_item('key'))
> set_execution_context_item('key', 2)
> async def foo():
> print('foo:', get_execution_context_item('key'))
> set_execution_context_item('key', 1)
> await inner_foo()
> print('foo:', get_execution_context_item('key'))
> set_execution_context_item('key', 'spam')
> print('main:', get_execution_context_item('key'))
> asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(foo())
> print('main:', get_execution_context_item('key'))
> which will output::
> main: spam
> foo: spam
> inner_foo: 1
> foo: 2
> main: spam
> Generator-based coroutines (generators decorated with
> ``types.coroutine`` or ``asyncio.coroutine``) behave exactly as
> native coroutines with regards to execution context management:
> their ``yield from`` expression is semantically equivalent to
> ``await``.
> Generators
> ----------
> Generators in Python, while similar to Coroutines, are used in a
> fundamentally different way. They are producers of data, and
> they use ``yield`` expression to suspend/resume their execution.
> A crucial difference between ``await coro`` and ``yield value`` is
> that the former expression guarantees that the ``coro`` will be
> executed to the end, while the latter is producing ``value`` and
> suspending the generator until it gets iterated again.
> Generators share 99% of their implementation with coroutines, and
> thus have similar new attributes ``gi_execution_context`` and
> ``gi_isolated_execution_context``. Similar to coroutines, generators
> save a reference to the current execution context when they are
> instantiated. The have the same implementation of ``.send()`` and
> ``.throw()`` methods.
> The only difference is that
> ``gi_isolated_execution_context`` is always set to ``True``, and
> is never modified by the interpreter. ``yield from o`` expression in
> regular generators that are not decorated with ``types.coroutine``,
> is semantically equivalent to ``for v in o: yield v``.
> .. figure:: pep-0550/generators.png
> :align: center
> :width: 90%
> Figure 3. Execution Context flow in a generator.
> In the above diagram:
> * When "gen1" is created, it saves a reference to the current
> execution context "2".
> * If it makes any change to the context, it will have its own
> execution context branch "2.1".
> * When "gen2" is created, it saves a reference to the current
> execution context for it -- "2.1".
> * Any subsequent execution context updated in "gen2" will only
> be visible to "gen2".
> * Likewise, any context changes that "gen1" will do after it
> created "gen2" will not be visible to "gen2".
> In code::
> def inner_foo():
> for i in range(3):
> print('inner_foo:', get_execution_context_item('key'))
> set_execution_context_item('key', i)
> yield i
> def foo():
> set_execution_context_item('key', 'spam')
> print('foo:', get_execution_context_item('key'))
> inner = inner_foo()
> while True:
> val = next(inner, None)
> if val is None:
> break
> yield val
> print('foo:', get_execution_context_item('key'))
> set_execution_context_item('key', 'spam')
> print('main:', get_execution_context_item('key'))
> list(foo())
> print('main:', get_execution_context_item('key'))
> which will output::
> main: ham
> foo: spam
> inner_foo: spam
> foo: spam
> inner_foo: 0
> foo: spam
> inner_foo: 1
> foo: spam
> main: ham
> As we see, any modification of the execution context in a generator
> is visible only to the generator itself.
> There is one use-case where it is desired for generators to affect
> the surrounding execution context: ``contextlib.contextmanager``
> decorator. To make the following work::
> @contextmanager
> def context(x):
> old_x = get_execution_context_item('x')
> set_execution_context_item('x', x)
> try:
> yield
> finally:
> set_execution_context_item('x', old_x)
> we modified ``contextmanager`` to flip
> ``gi_isolated_execution_context`` flag to ``False`` on its generator.
> Greenlets
> ---------
> Greenlet is an alternative implementation of cooperative
> scheduling for Python. Although greenlet package is not part of
> CPython, popular frameworks like gevent rely on it, and it is
> important that greenlet can be modified to support execution
> contexts.
> In a nutshell, greenlet design is very similar to design of
> generators. The main difference is that for generators, the stack
> is managed by the Python interpreter. Greenlet works outside of the
> Python interpreter, and manually saves some ``PyThreadState``
> fields and pushes/pops the C-stack. Since Execution Context is
> implemented on top of ``PyThreadState``, it's easy to add
> transparent support of it to greenlet.
> New APIs
> ========
> Even though this PEP adds a number of new APIs, please keep in mind,
> that most Python users will likely ever use only two of them:
> ``sys.get_execution_context_item()`` and
> ``sys.set_execution_context_item()``.
> Python
> ------
> 1. ``sys.get_execution_context_item(key, default=None)``: lookup
> ``key`` for the current Execution Context. If not found,
> return ``default``.
> 2. ``sys.set_execution_context_item(key, value)``: set
> ``key``/``value`` item for the current Execution Context.
> If ``value`` is ``None``, the item will be removed.
> 3. ``sys.get_execution_context()``: return the current Execution
> Context object: ``sys.ExecutionContext``.
> 4. ``sys.set_execution_context(ec)``: set the passed
> ``sys.ExecutionContext`` instance as a current one for the current
> thread.
> 5. ``sys.ExecutionContext`` object.
> Implementation detail: ``sys.ExecutionContext`` wraps a low-level
> ``PyExecContextData`` object. ``sys.ExecutionContext`` has a
> mutable mapping API, abstracting away the real immutable
> ``PyExecContextData``.
> * ``ExecutionContext()``: construct a new, empty, execution
> context.
> * ``ec.run(func, *args)`` method: run ``func(*args)`` in the
> ``ec`` execution context.
> * ``ec[key]``: lookup ``key`` in ``ec`` context.
> * ``ec[key] = value``: assign ``key``/``value`` item to the ``ec``.
> * ``ec.get()``, ``ec.items()``, ``ec.values()``, ``ec.keys()``, and
> ``ec.copy()`` are similar to that of ``dict`` object.
> -----
> C API is different from the Python one because it operates directly
> on the low-level immutable ``PyExecContextData`` object.
> 1. New ``PyThreadState->exec_context`` field, pointing to a
> ``PyExecContextData`` object.
> 2. ``PyThreadState_SetExecContextItem`` and
> ``PyThreadState_GetExecContextItem`` similar to
> ``sys.set_execution_context_item()`` and
> ``sys.get_execution_context_item()``.
> 3. ``PyThreadState_GetExecContext``: similar to
> ``sys.get_execution_context()``. Always returns an
> ``PyExecContextData`` object. If ``PyThreadState->exec_context``
> is ``NULL`` an new and empty one will be created and assigned
> to ``PyThreadState->exec_context``.
> 4. ``PyThreadState_SetExecContext``: similar to
> ``sys.set_execution_context()``.
> 5. ``PyExecContext_New``: create a new empty ``PyExecContextData``
> object.
> 6. ``PyExecContext_SetItem`` and ``PyExecContext_GetItem``.
> The exact layout ``PyExecContextData`` is private, which allows
> to switch it to a different implementation later. More on that
> in the `Implementation Details`_ section.
> Modifications in Standard Library
> =================================
> * ``contextlib.contextmanager`` was updated to flip the new
> ``gi_isolated_execution_context`` attribute on the generator.
> * ``asyncio.events.Handle`` object now captures the current
> execution context when it is created, and uses the saved
> execution context to run the callback (with
> ``ExecutionContext.run()`` method.) This makes
> ``loop.call_soon()`` to run callbacks in the execution context
> they were scheduled.
> No modifications in ``asyncio.Task`` or ``asyncio.Future`` were
> necessary.
> Some standard library modules like ``warnings`` and ``decimal``
> can be updated to use new execution contexts. This will be considered
> in separate issues if this PEP is accepted.
> Backwards Compatibility
> =======================
> This proposal preserves 100% backwards compatibility.
> Performance
> ===========
> Implementation Details
> ----------------------
> The new ``PyExecContextData`` object is wrapping a ``dict`` object.
> Any modification requires creating a shallow copy of the dict.
> While working on the reference implementation of this PEP, we were
> able to optimize ``dict.copy()`` operation **5.5x**, see [4]_ for
> details.
> .. figure:: pep-0550/dict_copy.png
> :align: center
> :width: 100%
> Figure 4.
> Figure 4 shows that the performance of immutable dict implemented
> with shallow copying is expectedly O(n) for the ``set()`` operation.
> However, this is tolerable until dict has more than 100 items
> (1 ``set()`` takes about a microsecond.)
> Judging by the number of modules that need EC in Standard Library
> it is likely that real world Python applications will use
> significantly less than 100 execution context variables.
> The important point is that the cost of accessing a key in
> Execution Context is always O(1).
> If the ``set()`` operation performance is a major concern, we discuss
> alternative approaches that have O(1) or close ``set()`` performance
> in `Alternative Immutable Dict Implementation`_, `Faster C API`_, and
> `Copy-on-write Execution Context`_ sections.
> Generators and Coroutines
> -------------------------
> Using a microbenchmark for generators and coroutines from :pep:`492`
> ([12]_), it was possible to observe 0.5 to 1% performance degradation.
> asyncio echoserver microbechmarks from the uvloop project [13]_
> showed 1-1.5% performance degradation for asyncio code.
> asyncpg benchmarks [14]_, that execute more code and are closer to a
> real-world application did not exhibit any noticeable performance
> change.
> Overall Performance Impact
> --------------------------
> The total number of changed lines in the ceval loop is 2 -- in the
> ``YIELD_FROM`` opcode implementation. Only performance of generators
> and coroutines can be affected by the proposal.
> This was confirmed by running Python Performance Benchmark Suite
> [15]_, which demonstrated that there is no difference between
> 3.7 master branch and this PEP reference implementation branch
> (full benchmark results can be found here [16]_.)
> Design Considerations
> =====================
> Alternative Immutable Dict Implementation
> -----------------------------------------
> Languages like Clojure and Scala use Hash Array Mapped Tries (HAMT)
> to implement high performance immutable collections [5]_, [6]_.
> Immutable mappings implemented with HAMT have O(log\ :sub:`32`\ N)
> performance for both ``set()`` and ``get()`` operations, which will
> be essentially O(1) for relatively small mappings in EC.
> To assess if HAMT can be used for Execution Context, we implemented
> it in CPython [7]_.
> .. figure:: pep-0550/hamt_vs_dict.png
> :align: center
> :width: 100%
> Figure 5. Benchmark code can be found here: [9]_.
> Figure 5 shows that HAMT indeed displays O(1) performance for all
> benchmarked dictionary sizes. For dictionaries with less than 100
> items, HAMT is a bit slower than Python dict/shallow copy.
> .. figure:: pep-0550/lookup_hamt.png
> :align: center
> :width: 100%
> Figure 6. Benchmark code can be found here: [10]_.
> Figure 6 below shows comparison of lookup costs between Python dict
> and an HAMT immutable mapping. HAMT lookup time is 30-40% worse
> than Python dict lookups on average, which is a very good result,
> considering how well Python dicts are optimized.
> Note, that according to [8]_, HAMT design can be further improved.
> The bottom line is that the current approach with implementing
> an immutable mapping with shallow-copying dict will likely perform
> adequately in real-life applications. The HAMT solution is more
> future proof, however.
> The proposed API is designed in such a way that the underlying
> implementation of the mapping can be changed completely without
> affecting the Execution Context `Specification`_, which allows
> us to switch to HAMT at some point if necessary.
> Copy-on-write Execution Context
> -------------------------------
> The implementation of Execution Context in .NET is different from
> this PEP. .NET uses copy-on-write mechanism and a regular mutable
> mapping.
> One way to implement this in CPython would be to have two new
> fields in ``PyThreadState``:
> * ``exec_context`` pointing to the current Execution Context mapping;
> * ``exec_context_copy_on_write`` flag, set to ``0`` initially.
> The idea is that whenever we are modifying the EC, the copy-on-write
> flag is checked, and if it is set to ``1``, the EC is copied.
> Modifications to Coroutine and Generator ``.send()`` and ``.throw()``
> methods described in the `Coroutines`_ section will be almost the
> same, except that in addition to the ``gi_execution_context`` they
> will have a ``gi_exec_context_copy_on_write`` flag. When a coroutine
> or a generator starts, the flag will be set to ``1``. This will
> ensure that any modification of the EC performed within a coroutine
> or a generator will be isolated.
> This approach has one advantage:
> * For Execution Context that contains a large number of items,
> copy-on-write is a more efficient solution than the shallow-copy
> dict approach.
> However, we believe that copy-on-write disadvantages are more
> important to consider:
> * Copy-on-write behaviour for generators and coroutines makes
> EC semantics less predictable.
> With immutable EC approach, generators and coroutines always
> execute in the EC that was current at the moment of their
> creation. Any modifications to the outer EC while a generator
> or a coroutine is executing are not visible to them::
> def generator():
> yield 1
> print(get_execution_context_item('key'))
> yield 2
> set_execution_context_item('key', 'spam')
> gen = iter(generator())
> next(gen)
> set_execution_context_item('key', 'ham')
> next(gen)
> The above script will always print 'spam' with immutable EC.
> With a copy-on-write approach, the above script will print 'ham'.
> Now, consider that ``generator()`` was refactored to call some
> library function, that uses Execution Context::
> def generator():
> yield 1
> some_function_that_uses_decimal_context()
> print(get_execution_context_item('key'))
> yield 2
> Now, the script will print 'spam', because
> ``some_function_that_uses_decimal_context`` forced the EC to copy,
> and ``set_execution_context_item('key', 'ham')`` line did not
> affect the ``generator()`` code after all.
> * Similarly to the previous point, ``sys.ExecutionContext.run()``
> method will also become less predictable, as
> ``sys.get_execution_context()`` would still return a reference to
> the current mutable EC.
> We can't modify ``sys.get_execution_context()`` to return a shallow
> copy of the current EC, because this would seriously harm
> performance of ``asyncio.call_soon()`` and similar places, where
> it is important to propagate the Execution Context.
> * Even though copy-on-write requires to shallow copy the execution
> context object less frequently, copying will still take place
> in coroutines and generators. In which case, HAMT approach will
> perform better for medium to large sized execution contexts.
> All in all, we believe that the copy-on-write approach introduces
> very subtle corner cases that could lead to bugs that are
> exceptionally hard to discover and fix.
> The immutable EC solution in comparison is always predictable and
> easy to reason about. Therefore we believe that any slight
> performance gain that the copy-on-write solution might offer is not
> worth it.
> Faster C API
> ------------
> Packages like numpy and standard library modules like decimal need
> to frequently query the global state for some local context
> configuration. It is important that the APIs that they use is as
> fast as possible.
> The proposed ``PyThreadState_SetExecContextItem`` and
> ``PyThreadState_GetExecContextItem`` functions need to get the
> current thread state with ``PyThreadState_GET()`` (fast) and then
> perform a hash lookup (relatively slow). We can eliminate the hash
> lookup by adding three additional C API functions:
> * ``Py_ssize_t PyExecContext_RequestIndex(char *key_name)``:
> a function similar to the existing ``_PyEval_RequestCodeExtraIndex``
> introduced :pep:`523`. The idea is to request a unique index
> that can later be used to lookup context items.
> The ``key_name`` can later be used by ``sys.ExecutionContext`` to
> introspect items added with this API.
> * ``PyThreadState_SetExecContextIndexedItem(Py_ssize_t index, PyObject *val)``
> and ``PyThreadState_GetExecContextIndexedItem(Py_ssize_t index)``
> to request an item by its index, avoiding the cost of hash lookup.
> Why setting a key to None removes the item?
> -------------------------------------------
> Consider a context manager::
> @contextmanager
> def context(x):
> old_x = get_execution_context_item('x')
> set_execution_context_item('x', x)
> try:
> yield
> finally:
> set_execution_context_item('x', old_x)
> With ``set_execution_context_item(key, None)`` call removing the
> ``key``, the user doesn't need to write additional code to remove
> the ``key`` if it wasn't in the execution context already.
> An alternative design with ``del_execution_context_item()`` method
> would look like the following::
> @contextmanager
> def context(x):
> not_there = object()
> old_x = get_execution_context_item('x', not_there)
> set_execution_context_item('x', x)
> try:
> yield
> finally:
> if old_x is not_there:
> del_execution_context_item('x')
> else:
> set_execution_context_item('x', old_x)
> Can we fix ``PyThreadState_GetDict()``?
> ---------------------------------------
> ``PyThreadState_GetDict`` is a TLS, and some of its existing users
> might depend on it being just a TLS. Changing its behaviour to follow
> the Execution Context semantics would break backwards compatibility.
> PEP 521
> -------
> :pep:`521` proposes an alternative solution to the problem:
> enhance Context Manager Protocol with two new methods: ``__suspend__``
> and ``__resume__``. To make it compatible with async/await,
> the Asynchronous Context Manager Protocol will also need to be
> extended with ``__asuspend__`` and ``__aresume__``.
> This allows to implement context managers like decimal context and
> ``numpy.errstate`` for generators and coroutines.
> The following code::
> class Context:
> def __enter__(self):
> self.old_x = get_execution_context_item('x')
> set_execution_context_item('x', 'something')
> def __exit__(self, *err):
> set_execution_context_item('x', self.old_x)
> would become this::
> class Context:
> def __enter__(self):
> self.old_x = get_execution_context_item('x')
> set_execution_context_item('x', 'something')
> def __suspend__(self):
> set_execution_context_item('x', self.old_x)
> def __resume__(self):
> set_execution_context_item('x', 'something')
> def __exit__(self, *err):
> set_execution_context_item('x', self.old_x)
> Besides complicating the protocol, the implementation will likely
> negatively impact performance of coroutines, generators, and any code
> that uses context managers, and will notably complicate the
> interpreter implementation. It also does not solve the leaking state
> problem for greenlet/gevent.
> :pep:`521` also does not provide any mechanism to propagate state
> in a local context, like storing a request object in an HTTP request
> handler to have better logging.
> Can Execution Context be implemented outside of CPython?
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Because async/await code needs an event loop to run it, an EC-like
> solution can be implemented in a limited way for coroutines.
> Generators, on the other hand, do not have an event loop or
> trampoline, making it impossible to intercept their ``yield`` points
> outside of the Python interpreter.
> Reference Implementation
> ========================
> The reference implementation can be found here: [11]_.
> References
> ==========
> .. [1] https://blog.golang.org/context
> .. [2] https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.threading.executioncontext.aspx
> .. [3] https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/9444
> .. [4] http://bugs.python.org/issue31179
> .. [5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hash_array_mapped_trie
> .. [6] http://blog.higher-order.net/2010/08/16/assoc-and-clojures-persistenthashmap-part-ii.html
> .. [7] https://github.com/1st1/cpython/tree/hamt
> .. [8] https://michael.steindorfer.name/publications/oopsla15.pdf
> .. [9] https://gist.github.com/1st1/9004813d5576c96529527d44c5457dcd
> .. [10] https://gist.github.com/1st1/dbe27f2e14c30cce6f0b5fddfc8c437e
> .. [11] https://github.com/1st1/cpython/tree/pep550
> .. [12] https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0492/#async-await
> .. [13] https://github.com/MagicStack/uvloop/blob/master/examples/bench/echoserver.py
> .. [14] https://github.com/MagicStack/pgbench
> .. [15] https://github.com/python/performance
> .. [16] https://gist.github.com/1st1/6b7a614643f91ead3edf37c4451a6b4c
> Copyright
> =========
> This document has been placed in the public domain.
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