[Python-ideas] get() method for list and tuples

Michel Desmoulin desmoulinmichel at gmail.com
Tue Feb 28 21:02:57 EST 2017

Le 01/03/2017 à 02:23, Ethan Furman a écrit :
> On 02/28/2017 05:18 PM, Michel Desmoulin wrote:
>> I love this proposal but Guido rejected it. Fighting for it right now
>> would probably be detrimental to the current proposed feature which
>> could potentially be more easily accepted.
> PEP 463 has a better chance of being accepted than this one does, for
> reasons that D'Aprano succinctly summarized.
> -- 
> ~Ethan~

The debate is not even over and you are already declaring a winner.
That's not really fair. Give the idea a chance and read until the end.

D'Aprano's argument is mostly "I don't encounter IndexError really often
and when I do I have this twisted one liner to get away it".

Well, that's not really a good reason to reject things for Python
because it's a language with a very diverse user base. Some bankers,
some web dev, some geographers, some mathematicians, some students, some
3D graphists, etc. And the language value obvious, readable, predictable
code for all.

Most people on this list have a specialty, because their speciality
don't see a use for the feature doesn't mean there is not one.

So I provided on my last answer an explanation of what I would use it for.

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