[Python-ideas] incremental hashing in __hash__
Neil Girdhar
mistersheik at gmail.com
Thu Jan 5 08:28:30 EST 2017
The point is that the OP doesn't want to write his own hash function, but
wants Python to provide a standard way of hashing an iterable. Today, the
standard way is to convert to tuple and call hash on that. That may not be
efficient. FWIW from a style perspective, I agree with OP.
On Thu, Jan 5, 2017 at 4:30 AM M.-A. Lemburg <mal at egenix.com> wrote:
> On 28.12.2016 04:13, jab at math.brown.edu wrote:
> > Suppose you have implemented an immutable Position type to represent
> > the state of a game played on an MxN board, where the board size can
> > grow quite large.
> > ...
> >
> > According to
> https://docs.python.org/3/reference/datamodel.html#object.__hash__
> > :
> >
> >
> > """
> > it is advised to mix together the hash values of the components of the
> > object that also play a part in comparison of objects by packing them
> > into a tuple and hashing the tuple. Example:
> >
> > def __hash__(self):
> > return hash((self.name, self.nick, self.color))
> >
> > """
> >
> >
> > Applying this advice to the use cases above would require creating an
> > arbitrarily large tuple in memory before passing it to hash(), which
> > is then just thrown away. It would be preferable if there were a way
> > to pass multiple values to hash() in a streaming fashion, such that
> > the overall hash were computed incrementally, without building up a
> > large object in memory first.
> I think there's a misunderstanding here: the hash(obj) built-in
> merely interfaces to the obj.__hash__() method (or the tp_hash slot
> for C types) and returns whatever these methods give.
> It doesn't implement any logic by itself.
> If you would like to implement a more efficient hash algorithm
> for your types, just go ahead and write them as .__hash__()
> method or tp_hash slot method and you're done.
> The example from the docs is just to showcase an example of
> how such a hash function should work, i.e. to mix in all
> relevant data attributes.
> In your case, you'd probably use a simple for loop to calculate
> the hash without creating tuples or any other temporary
> structures.
> Here's the hash implementation tuples use as an example
> /* The addend 82520, was selected from the range(0, 1000000) for
> generating the greatest number of prime multipliers for tuples
> upto length eight:
> 1082527, 1165049, 1082531, 1165057, 1247581, 1330103, 1082533,
> 1330111, 1412633, 1165069, 1247599, 1495177, 1577699
> Tests have shown that it's not worth to cache the hash value, see
> issue #9685.
> */
> static Py_hash_t
> tuplehash(PyTupleObject *v)
> {
> Py_uhash_t x; /* Unsigned for defined overflow behavior. */
> Py_hash_t y;
> Py_ssize_t len = Py_SIZE(v);
> PyObject **p;
> Py_uhash_t mult = _PyHASH_MULTIPLIER;
> x = 0x345678UL;
> p = v->ob_item;
> while (--len >= 0) {
> y = PyObject_Hash(*p++);
> if (y == -1)
> return -1;
> x = (x ^ y) * mult;
> /* the cast might truncate len; that doesn't change hash
> stability */
> mult += (Py_hash_t)(82520UL + len + len);
> }
> x += 97531UL;
> if (x == (Py_uhash_t)-1)
> x = -2;
> return x;
> }
> As you can see, there's some magic going on there to make
> sure that the hash values behave well when used as "keys"
> for the dictionary implementation (which is their main
> purpose in Python).
> You are free to create your own hash implementation.
> The only characteristic to pay attention to is to have
> objects which compare equal give the same hash value.
> This is needed to be able to map such objects to the same
> dictionary slots.
> There should be no need to have a special hash function which
> works on iterables. As long as those iterable objects define
> their own .__hash__() method or tp_slot, the hash() built-in
> (and Python's dict implementation) will use these and, if needed,
> those methods can then use an approach to build hash values
> using iterators on the object's internal data along similar
> lines as the above tuple implementation.
> --
> Marc-Andre Lemburg
> eGenix.com
> Professional Python Services directly from the Experts (#1, Jan 05 2017)
> >>> Python Projects, Coaching and Consulting ... http://www.egenix.com/
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> ________________________________________________________________________
> ::: We implement business ideas - efficiently in both time and costs :::
> eGenix.com Software, Skills and Services GmbH Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
> D-40764 Langenfeld, Germany. CEO Dipl.-Math. Marc-Andre Lemburg
> Registered at Amtsgericht Duesseldorf: HRB 46611
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