[Python-ideas] Python reviewed

Simon Lovell simon58500 at bigpond.com
Mon Jan 9 20:12:05 EST 2017

Thanks for the feedback guys. A few quick comments:

Re: Colons. I'm sure I've seen that FAQ before. I may be arrogant but I 
can't take it seriously. Being "slightly" easier to read is hardly a 
reason for a mandatory structure.

Re: PEP249. I thought I'd detailed quite a bit of what I thought should 
be possible. Is there a forum for advancing this?

Re: do-while - that a is a loop construct that executes once before 
evaluating the condition. Supported by most languages.

Re: Counters starting at zero vs one, Fortran has a neat solution to 
this for arrays if not strings - allow the programmer to select the 
starting index. I've seen -1 and 1000, for example. I can't say I'm 
convinced by Dijkstra's argument but it is somewhat esoteric because it 
isn't changing. When I've programmed for loops in C, sometimes you want 
zero based and sometimes one based, while most times you don't really 
care. To make it readable I would wherever possible write either:
     for (i=0;i<j;i++)
     for (i=1;i<=j;i++)  // In both cases always executing j times


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