[Python-ideas] How to respond to trolling

Pavol Lisy pavol.lisy at gmail.com
Tue Jan 10 23:44:00 EST 2017

On 1/11/17, Steven D'Aprano <steve at pearwood.info> wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 07:29:12AM -0800, Guido van Rossum wrote:
>> Was it really necessary for all the usual folks on this list to engage
>> with
>> the "Python review" threads? I think a much more effective response would
>> have been a resounding silence.
> Giving a newcomer the Silent Treatment because they've questioned some
> undocumented set of features not open to change is not Open, Considerate
> or Respectful (the CoC). Even if their ideas are ignorant or ill-thought
> out, we must give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they are
> making their comments in good faith rather than trolling.

I think that in this case:

    not all(people) == any(people)

So in my humble opinion it is good to say something by some (which
reflect CoC culture of python community) and be silent like zen master
(and most people did it) by others :)

BTW. This discussion could be inspiring and we could prepare PEP where
we could give some hints how to do (stupid?) things in unified and
clever way! ;)
For example:

1. if you want to have endblocks then use "# endfor" instead of "# for"

2. if you want to replace "self" by one letters then use  ᐠ (CANADIAN


Some editors could probably syntax highlight these constructs (and
maybe hide dot too in case of replacing self :P) in future (at least
in fancy mode :)

Some of us could test idea through vi conceal feature

for example to http://gnosis.cx/bin/.vim/after/syntax/python.vim
insert something like
syntax match pyNiceStatement "\<self\." conceal cchar=ᐠ

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