[Python-ideas] How to respond to trolling

Chris Kaynor ckaynor at zindagigames.com
Wed Jan 11 16:04:54 EST 2017

On Wed, Jan 11, 2017 at 12:02 PM, Xavier Combelle
<xavier.combelle at gmail.com> wrote:
> I did not read the thread, but it looks like the insult should be a red flag
> and a good time to stop immediately
> and baning the troll

Personally, when I read the original posting, there is quite a bit of
it that comes across as arrogant and ignorant, but none that comes
across as insulting. As such, I agree with some of the other replies
to this thread: some reply was needed to the original thread.

While the thread belonged on python-list, it was also not fully
off-topic for python-ideas: while the wording was of a review of
Python, and it was not worded as actually suggesting changes, it could
be read as indirectly proposing changes or new features. As such, I
feel that any reply to the thread should at least aim to point the
poster to the correct forum (in this case, python-list), and it is not
unreasonable to answer some of the points as though they are in fact
suggesting changes - likely with links to the rational of the original
decisions, or at least enough information for the original poster to
fairly easily find such rationals themselves (eg a tutorial page or

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