[Python-ideas] Python dependancies

Steven D'Aprano steve at pearwood.info
Sun Jan 15 03:30:51 EST 2017

On Sun, Jan 15, 2017 at 12:24:29AM -0500, Mathieu TORTUYAUX wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I'm used to work with python and contribute to open-source projects. And
> now, many projects need to run with dependancies. So I wondering, if it
> could be a good idea to integrate a sniffer into Python to detecte if
> project's dependancies are up to date.

I think such a sniffer would be an excellent third-party project.

When you say "up to date", do you mean that the dependencies are all up 
to date from your operating system's repositories? (yum, or apt-get, or 
similar.) The last thing I want is some program complaining that I'm not 
using version 2.9 of a library when my OS package management only 
supports 2.6.

> And each time Python project is run developer will be aware if dependancies
> are up to date.

That would be awful. It would be pure noise. If I'm running an old 
version of something, its because I want, or need, to run an old 
version. Or because I just don't care -- why should I run the latest 
version just because it is the latest version?

A sniffer that I can run when I want to run it would be useful. A 
sniffer that runs automatically would be a PITA.


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