[Python-ideas] "Immutable Builder" Pattern and Operator
Soni L.
fakedme+py at gmail.com
Mon Jan 23 13:32:12 EST 2017
On 23/01/17 04:27 PM, Gerald Britton wrote:
> On Jan 23, 2017 1:12 PM, "Britton, Gerald" <Gerald.Britton at td.com
> <mailto:Gerald.Britton at td.com>> wrote:
> On 23/01/17 02:56 PM, Gerald Britton wrote:
> >//
> >//
> >/On Jan 23, 2017 11:07 AM, "Soni L." <fakedme+py at gmail.com
> <https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-ideas> /
> >/<mailto:fakedme% <mailto:fakedme%25>2Bpy at gmail.com
> <https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-ideas>>> wrote:/
> >//
> >//
> >//
> >/ On 23/01/17 01:52 PM, Gerald Britton wrote:/
> >>//
> >>//
> >>//
> >>/ [snip]/
> >>//
> >>/ >I propose `x .= y` -> `x = x . y`, for any `y`./
> >>//
> >>/ [snip]/
> >>//
> >>/ I think you mean "any y that is a member of x"/
> >>//
> >//
> >/ Since it desugars into `x = x.y`, you can literally use
> anything/
> >/ for `y`./
> >//
> >/ x .= __call__().whatever().unwrap() * 3/
> >//
> >/ is equivalent to/
> >//
> >/ x = x.__call__().whatever().unwrap() * 3/
> >//
> >/ and/
> >//
> >/ x .= 1/
> >//
> >/ is equivalent to/
> >//
> >/ x = x.1/
> >//
> >/ which is equivalent to/
> >//
> >/ SyntaxError: invalid syntax/
> >//
> >//
> >>/ Also, note that this syntax means that x will be rebound to/
> >>/ the result of calling x.y, whatever that is (frequently,/
> >>/ None, for mutating methods)/
> >>//
> >>/ In general, you can't count on methods to return references/
> >>/ to their instances, even though it's handy for fluent
> coding,/
> >>/ so this side effect may be unexpected to some/
> >>//
> >//
> >/ This is why it's for use with **immutable** objects./
> >//
> >//
> >>/ That's a problem with your original example:/
> >>//
> >>/ >long_name = mkbuilder()/
> >>//
> >>/ >long_name = long_name.seta(a)/
> >>//
> >>/ >long_name = long_name.setb(b)/
> >>//
> >>/ >y = long_name.build()/
> >>//
> >>/ What do the methods seta and setb return? If they don't/
> >>/ return "self" you've got a problem. I think./
> >>//
> >//
> >/ They don't return self. Ever. The value bound to long_name is/
> >/ immutable, like an integer. They return a new instance./
> >//
> >//
> >/Then long_name isn't immutable. It changes with every line. That
> can /
> >/lead to nasty bugs if you count on its immutability./
> >//
> >/Easy to see. Just print long_name after each call./
> You're mixing up value immutability with name immutability. The name
> isn't immutable, but:
> Er...No. I'm not confused at all, unless you define immutability in a
> new way.. you said that the "value bound to long_name is immutable."
> It's not. Your example below proves it.
> An immutable object is one whose state cannot be modified once set.
> That's not happening here. The state of the object bound to
> long_name, which is a pointer to an instance of you class, changes
> with each line.
Python has pointers now?! The value pointed to by the value bound to
long_name is immutable. Can you stop being so pedantic? >.<
> long_name = mkbuilder()
> x = long_name
> long_name .= seta("a")
> y = long_name
> long_name .= setb("b")
> z = long_name
> print(x) # a = None, b = None
> print(y) # a = "a", b = None
> print(z) # a = "a", b = "b"
> print(x is y) # False
> print(x is z) # False
> print(y is z) # False
> print(long_name is z) # True
> See also:
> long_name = 1
> x = long_name
> long_name += 1
> y = long_name
> long_name += 1
> z = long_name
> print(x) # 1
> print(y) # 2
> print(z) # 3
> print(x is y) # False
> print(x is z) # False
> print(y is z) # False
> print(long_name is z) # True
> >//
> >//
> >//
> >>/ FWIW why can't you just write:/
> >>//
> >>/ x.y/
> >>//
> >>/ or for your example:/
> >>//
> >>/ long_name.seta(a)/
> >>//
> >>/ ?/
> >>//
> >>//
> >//
> >/ See the IRC bot builder example, it should be more clear. (It's/
> >/ about forking the builder.)/
> >//
> >//
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