[Python-ideas] Is it Python 3 yet?

Rob Cliffe rob.cliffe at btinternet.com
Thu Jan 26 19:45:26 EST 2017

On 26/01/2017 17:49, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> -1 on hiding Python 2.7. It's our LTS release, so something
> we should be proud of until it goes out of support.
> +1 on emphasizing the 3.6 button and de-emphasizing 2.7, e.g.
> by making the 3.6 button yellow and the 2.7 grey.
Please, de-emphasize Python 2.7 if appropriate (it seems to be the 
consensus), but do not hide it.  It is stable, and IMHO the most 
tried-and-tested version of Python.
As a 2.7 user, I would like to *decide* when to upgrade to Python 3, not 
to be pressured into it by events.
Best wishes,
Rob Cliffe

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