[Python-ideas] A more readable way to nest functions

Joao S. O. Bueno jsbueno at python.org.br
Mon Jan 30 07:57:07 EST 2017

Just for one mor eexample - I have a toy implementation here as well:
I decided to use the "." operator itself, and frame introspection to
retrieve the function
to be called from the calling context - that is rude, I know.

But what I like of this approach is that by using the "." I have full
control of the objects called as functions
on the chain - which allowed me to use a constant value that will be
replaced by the "dynamic" parameter from
previous function calls.

So, if I want "max(len(mytext), 10)", I can write "curry.max(DELAY,
10).len(mytext)"   - the "max" call will only take place after len is
evaluated. (And for functions wth a single parameter, there is no need for

Lessons learned:
1) One wanting curry can do so without changing Python Syntax
2) For control of functions that need more than one parameter, one needs a
lazy-call mechanism.

Possibly the "lazy call" mechanism would be a more interesting "add on" to
the language than currying per se. (It is
due to not being able to lazy call that I resort to the transforms using

That said, if anyone like the the "chillicurry" approach enough that wants
to help polishing it enough for pypi,
 just get in touch.


On 29 January 2017 at 18:38, David Mertz <mertz at gnosis.cx> wrote:

> The `tools` (and `cytoolz` that has an identical API) provides an `@curry`
> decorator that is more general and elegant than the links earlier IMO.
> Maybe I'm biased because I work with principal author Matt Rocklin, but
> toolz is really neat.
> See: http://toolz.readthedocs.io/en/latest/curry.html
> On Sun, Jan 29, 2017 at 3:08 AM, zmo via Python-ideas <
> python-ideas at python.org> wrote:
>> tl;dr: I agree with you, Steven, as proven by my former post, augmented
>> with the details of your reply: there's no advantage to add a new
>> operator and language construct for this use case.—
>> On Sun, Jan 29, 2017 at 01:30:13PM +1100, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
>> > On Sat, Jan 28, 2017 at 03:16:27PM +0100, zmo via Python-ideas wrote:
>> > > This idea sounds fun, so as a thought experiment why not imagine one
>> > > way of integrating it in what I believe would be pythonic enough.
>> > This idea is sometimes called "the Collection Pipeline" design pattern,
>> > and is used in various command shells. Martin Fowler wrote about this
>> > design pattern here:
>> > https://martinfowler.com/articles/collection-pipeline/
>> > and I wrote a recipe for it:
>> > https://code.activestate.com/recipes/580625-collection-pipel
>> ine-in-python/
>> > with a working, although basic, implementation.
>> >     print(list(map(float, filter(lambda n: 20 < n < 30, data))))
>> > […]
>> >     data | Filter(lambda n: 20 < n < 30) | Map(float) | List | Print
>> It's indeed an interesting tip and idea, and using the pipe is not a bad
>> idea as it's a good mnemonic for anyone who used a shell. About reading
>> order, I'm personally agnostic.
>> > (In principle, Python built-ins could support this sort of syntax so I
>> > could write filter, map, list, print rather than custom versions Filter,
>> > Map, etc. […] But for Python that would be a *major* change, and not
>> one I
>> > wish to propose. […])
>> Even as an external library, I would use that kind of syntax with
>> extreme care in python. As a python developer, one of the things I
>> really do enjoy is that any python code looks like a python code, and
>> that's because changing meaning of operators depending on the context is
>> discouraged.
>> Then, unlike Scala, C++ or Ruby, you never end up with the language
>> looking like a new DSL for each application or framework.
>> > > On Sat, Jan 28, 2017 at 12:41:24PM +0000, Ed Kellett wrote:
>> > > So, considering it's decided that the RHS is in charge of filling up
>> all
>> > > the arguments of the LHS,
>> > Is that actually decided?
>> it's not, it's part of the thought experiment of 'if we had such syntax',
>> how could we handle arguments?
>> > […] so either we have a new, parallel series of functions including
>> > Filter(...) or we write something like:
>> >     print XYZ list XYZ map XYZ lambda (f1, f2, arg): (f1, filter(f2,
>> arg))(float, lambda n: 20 < n < 30, data)
>> > which is simply horrid. Maybe there could be a series of helper
>> > functions, but I don't think this idea is workable. […]
>> > > […]
>> > > All in all, it can be a nice syntactic sugar to have which could make
>> it
>> > > more flexible working with higher order functions, but it with the way
>> > > I'm suggesting to comply with python's arguments handling, it offers
>> > > little advantages when the RHS is not filling LHS arguments:
>> > > […]
>> > I think that "literal advantage" is being very kind. The best you can
>> > say is that you save two pairs of parentheses at the cost of three
>> > operators and moving arguments away from the functions that use them.
>> I said "little" not "literal" ☺ I started the whole reasoning trying to
>> be objective and figure how such a new syntax would be integrated in
>> python and what good use could be made of it. And in the end, I end up
>> with something that can offer a nice syntax for a very niche case, and
>> wouldn't be of much use most of the time.
>> The fact that it can be implemented with some operator overload, as you
>> nicely demonstrated just proves the fact further: this is not a good
>> idea.
>> > [...]
>> > > But then it would be just another way to introduce currying as a
>> > > language feature with an operator, so we should then just discuss on
>> how
>> > > to add currying as a language syntax "by the book", but I'm pretty
>> sure
>> > > that's a topic already discussed before I joined this list ;-)
>> > The easiest way to support currying, or at least some form of it, is:
>> >     from functools import partial as p
>> >     p(map, float)  # curries map with a single argument float
>> > which is not quite the map(float) syntax Haskell programmers expect,
>> > but its not awful.
>> Indeed, I love having that available as a function! We could reopen the
>> debate as to whether we should implement currying into python, but since
>> my last post I've done a bit of searching, and found out it's been
>> discussed 14 years ago:
>> https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2004-February/042668.html
>> https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0309/
>> and a few discussions, implementations of (real) currying published more
>> recently:
>> https://mtomassoli.wordpress.com/2012/03/18/currying-in-python/
>> http://code.activestate.com/recipes/577928-indefinite-curryi
>> ng-decorator-with-greedy-call-and/
>> https://gist.github.com/JulienPalard/021f1c7332507d6a494b
>> I could argue that a nicer syntactic sugar and having it as a language
>> feature could help in having it supported in a more optimised fashion,
>> instead of using an added layer of abstraction. But, I won't ^^
>> Cheers,
>> --
>> zmo
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