[Python-ideas] Way to repeat other than "for _ in range(x)"

Steven D'Aprano steve at pearwood.info
Fri Mar 31 01:38:39 EDT 2017

On Thu, Mar 30, 2017 at 12:59:57PM +0300, Markus Meskanen wrote:

> And instead of learning a special syntax, which is simple and easy to
> understand when they google "repeat many times python", they now end up
> learning a special semantic by naming the variable with an underscore.

Let me preface this by saying that, *in principle*, I don't mind the 
idea of a repeat-without-dummy-variable syntax. I spent a lot of time 
programming in Apple's Hypertalk back in the 80s and 90s, and it had
no fewer than five different loop styles:

    repeat [forever]

    repeat until condition

    repeat while condition

    repeat with i = start [to|down to] end

    repeat [for] N [times]

where words in [] are optional. That last case is exactly the sort of 
thing you are talking about: it repeats N times, without creating a loop 

In Hypertalk's case, this worked really well, and I liked it. So I can 
say that in principle this is not a bad idea, and it really suits some 
language styles.

But not Python.

It works for Hypertalk because it had an already *extremely* verbose and 
English-like syntax. A typical piece of Hypertalk code might be 
something like this:

    add one to total
    put the value of num after word 4 of item 3 of line 2 of field 1

For Hypertalk's target demographic (non-programmers who happen to be 
doing a bit of programming) it really is better for the language to 
provide a close match to their mental concept "repeat five times". The 
whole language is designed to work like people think, even when that's 
inefficient. I miss it a lot :-)

But Python is a much more general purpose language, and beginners and 
non-programmers are only a tiny fraction of Python's demographic. Python 
is only English-like compared to languages like Perl or C which look 
like line-noise to the uninitiated. So what works for Hypertalk doesn't 
necessarily work for Python.

"repeat 5 times" matches the philosophy and style of Hypertalk, but it 
clashes with the philosophy and style of Python. Python does not 
generally go into special-purpose syntax useful only in a specialised 
situation, preferring instead *general* syntax that can be adapted to a 
wide-range of situations.

Using _ to mean "I don't care about this name" is general purpose. You 
can use it *anywhere*, not just in loops:

# I only care about the side-effects, not the return result
_ = call_function()  

# unpack seven items, but I only care about three of them
a, _, b, _, _, _, c = items  

And it is optional too! If you don't like the name _ you can use 
anything you like:

d = [[0]*5 for whocares in [None]*10]

will create your nested lists for you, and probably ever so slightly 
more efficiently than using range().

So even if there's nothing overtly or especially *bad* about adding 
specialist syntax to the language, it isn't a great fit to the rest of 
Python. And of course any change has some cost:

- more complexity in the parser and compiler;
- more code to implement it;
- more features to be tested;
- more documentation;
- more things for people to learn;
- tutorials have more to cover;
- people writing a loop have one extra decision to think about;

etc. It might not be a *big* cost (it's just one small feature, not an 
entire Javascript interpreter added to the language!) but it is still a 
cost. Does the feature's usefulness outweigh its cost? Probably not. 
It's only a tiny feature, of limited usefulness. At *best* it is a 
marginal improvement, and it probably isn't even that.

I'm not saying it isn't useful. I'm saying it isn't useful *enough*.


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