[Python-ideas] Exposing CPython's subinterpreter C-API in the stdlib.

Nathaniel Smith njs at pobox.com
Wed May 24 23:16:03 EDT 2017

CC'ing PyPy-dev...

On Wed, May 24, 2017 at 6:01 PM, Eric Snow <ericsnowcurrently at gmail.com> wrote:
> Although I haven't been able to achieve the pace that I originally
> wanted, I have been able to work on my multi-core Python idea
> little-by-little.  Most notably, some of the blockers have been
> resolved at the recent PyCon sprints and I'm ready to move onto the
> next step: exposing multiple interpreters via a stdlib module.
> Initially I just want to expose basic support via 3 successive
> changes.  Below I've listed the corresponding (chained) PRs, along
> with what they add.  Note that the 2 proposed modules take some cues
> from the threading module, but don't try to be any sort of
> replacement.  Threading and subinterpreters are two different features
> that are used together rather than as alternatives to one another.
> At the very least I'd like to move forward with the _interpreters
> module sooner rather than later.  Doing so will facilitate more
> extensive testing of subinterpreters, in preparation for further use
> of them in the multi-core Python project.  We can iterate from there,
> but I'd at least like to get the basic functionality landed early.
> Any objections to (or feedback about) the low-level _interpreters
> module as described?  Likewise for the high-level interpreters module?
> Discussion on any expanded functionality for the modules or on the
> broader topic of the multi-core project are both welcome, but please
> start other threads for those topics.
> -eric
> basic low-level API: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/1748
>   _interpreters.create() -> id
>   _interpreters.destroy(id)
>   _interpreters.run_string(id, code)
>   _interpreters.run_string_unrestricted(id, code, ns=None) -> ns
> extra low-level API: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/1802
>   _interpreters.enumerate() -> [id, ...]
>   _interpreters.get_current() -> id
>   _interpreters.get_main() -> id
>   _interpreters.is_running(id) -> bool
> basic high-level API: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/1803
>   interpreters.enumerate() -> [Interpreter, ...]
>   interpreters.get_current() -> Interpreter
>   interpreters.get_main() -> Interpreter
>   interpreters.create() -> Interpreter
>   interpreters.Interpreter(id)
>   interpreters.Interpreter.is_running()
>   interpreters.Interpreter.destroy()
>   interpreters.Interpreter.run(code)
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Nathaniel J. Smith -- https://vorpus.org

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