[Python-ideas] tweaking the file system path protocol
Koos Zevenhoven
k7hoven at gmail.com
Fri May 26 09:20:39 EDT 2017
Accidentally sent the email before it was done. Additions / corrections below:
On Fri, May 26, 2017 at 3:58 PM, Koos Zevenhoven <k7hoven at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, May 24, 2017 at 5:52 PM, Wolfgang Maier
>> - makes the "path.__fspath__() if hasattr(path, "__fspath__") else path"
>> idiom consistent for subclasses of str and bytes that define __fspath__
> One can discuss whether this is the best idiom to use (I did not write
> it, so maybe someone else has comments).
> Anyway, some may want to use
> path.__fspath__() if hasattr(path, "__fspath__") else str(path)
> and some may want
> path if isinstance(path, (str, bytes)) else path.__fspath__()
> Or others may not be after oneliners like this and instead include the
> full implementation of fspath in their code—or even better, with some
> modifications.
> Really, the best thing to use in pre-3.6 might be more like:
> def fspath(path):
> if isinstance(path, (str, bytes)):
> return path
> if hasattr(path, '__fspath__'):
> return path.__fspath__()
> if type(path).__name__ == 'DirEntry':
> return path.path
> if isinstance(path, pathlib.PurePath):
> return str(path)
> raise TypeError("Argument cannot be interpreted as a file system path: " + repr(path))
In the above, I have to check type(path).__name__, because DirEntry
was not exposed as os.DirEntry in 3.5 yet.
For pre-3.4 Python and for older third-party libraries that do inherit
from str/bytes, one could even use something like:
def fspath(path):
if isinstance(path, (str, bytes)):
return path
if hasattr(type(path), '__fspath__'):
return type(path).__fspath__(path)
if type(path).__name__ == 'DirEntry':
return path.path
if "Path" in type(path).__name__: # add whatever known names for
path classes (what a hack!)
return str(path)
raise TypeError("Argument cannot be interpreted as a file system
path: " + repr(path))
+ Koos Zevenhoven + http://twitter.com/k7hoven +
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