[Python-ideas] Looking for input to help with the pip situation

Ivan Pozdeev vano at mail.mipt.ru
Tue Nov 7 13:07:47 EST 2017

On 07.11.2017 18:34, Stephan Houben wrote:
> One (smaller) suggestion on the PATH situation on Windows:
> I noticed that Visual C++ Build Tools installs a number of  "Command 
> prompts"
> under its Start menu item, each of which starts a cmd.exe with 
> appropriate PATH
> set to the appropriate compiler (32/64 bits or ARM cross-compiler), and
> assorted environment variables set to the appropriate include/library 
> directories.
> Could we do something similar for Python?
> I.e., Install under the "Python 3.6" start menu an additional
> "Python command prompt", which will
> start cmd.exe with an appropriate PATH so that python and pip
> run without further prefix.
> That way, the installer still doesn't need to mess with global PATH 
> and you can
> easily have multiple versions of Python, each with their own
> "Python command prompt" submenu.
> At least for Windows users this would simplify the situation a bit.
> Stephan
This suggestion is no different from environemnt activation scripts of 
anaconda/pyenv/virtualenv -- without the other benefits of virtualenv.

IPython solves this by creating version-specific executables (even in 
Windows). I see no reason why executables of Python proper cannot do the 
same. In fact, the reason why Windows version went Py instead of this 
seems to rather be to solve a completely different problem -- the 
filetype association (when running a script via ShellExecute, it 
autodetects which Python version to invoke).

> 2017-11-06 23:53 GMT+01:00 Ivan Pozdeev via Python-ideas 
> <python-ideas at python.org <mailto:python-ideas at python.org>>:
>     On 07.11.2017 1:48, Chris Barker wrote:
>>     On Mon, Nov 6, 2017 at 9:52 AM, Michel Desmoulin
>>     <desmoulinmichel at gmail.com <mailto:desmoulinmichel at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>         I know and you still:
>>         - have to use py -m on windows, python3 linux, python in
>>         virtualenv...
>>     can't you use python3 -m pip install .....
>>     everywhere?
>     You can't. Windows versions don't create versioned executables.
>     Got bitten with this myself.
>     ...Maybe they should?
>     (This is python-ideas, after all ;-) )
>     -- 
>     Regards,
>     Ivan
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