[Python-ideas] Rewriting the "roundrobin" recipe in the itertools documentation

Alon Snir AlonSnir at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 22 06:28:20 EST 2017

It would be faster with ‘deque’:

def roundrobin(*iterables):
    iters = deque(map(iter,iterables), len(iterables))
    while iters:
            yield next(iters[0])
        except StopIteration:

From: Wes Turner [mailto:wes.turner at gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2017 04:11
To: Alon Snir <AlonSnir at hotmail.com>
Cc: python-ideas at python.org
Subject: Re: [Python-ideas] Rewriting the "roundrobin" recipe in the itertools documentation

Here's toolz.itertoolz.interleave():

def interleave(seqs):
    """ Interleave a sequence of sequences
    >>> list(interleave([[1, 2], [3, 4]]))
    [1, 3, 2, 4]
    >>> ''.join(interleave(('ABC', 'XY')))
    Both the individual sequences and the sequence of sequences may be infinite
    Returns a lazy iterator
    iters = itertools.cycle(map(iter, seqs))
    while True:
            for itr in iters:
                yield next(itr)
        except StopIteration:
            predicate = partial(operator.is_not, itr)
            iters = itertools.cycle(itertools.takewhile(predicate, iters))

At first glance, map should be e.g. six.moves.map for pythonic backward compatibility.

Is this slower than the linear time implementations listed here?

On Tuesday, November 21, 2017, Alon Snir <AlonSnir at hotmail.com<mailto:AlonSnir at hotmail.com>> wrote:
def roundrobin(*iterables):
    "roundrobin('ABC', 'D', 'EF') --> A D E B F C"
    nexts = [ iter(it).__next__ for it in iterables ]
    i = 0
    while nexts:
        i %= len(nexts)
            yield nexts[i]()
        except StopIteration:
            del nexts[i]
            i += 1

Alon Snir
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