[Python-ideas] PEP 563: Postponed Evaluation of Annotations, first draft
Ryan Gonzalez
rymg19 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 11 13:16:53 EDT 2017
One thing I want to point out: there are a lot of really useful Python
libraries that have come to rely on annotations being objects, ranging
from plac to fbuild to many others. I could understand something that
delays the evaluation of annotations until they are accessed, but this
seems really extreme.
On Mon, Sep 11, 2017 at 10:58 AM, Lukasz Langa <lukasz at langa.pl> wrote:
> PEP: 563
> Title: Postponed Evaluation of Annotations
> Version: $Revision$
> Last-Modified: $Date$
> Author: Łukasz Langa <lukasz at langa.pl>
> Discussions-To: Python-Dev <python-dev at python.org>
> Status: Draft
> Type: Standards Track
> Content-Type: text/x-rst
> Created: 8-Sep-2017
> Python-Version: 3.7
> Post-History:
> Resolution:
> Abstract
> ========
> PEP 3107 introduced syntax for function annotations, but the semantics
> were deliberately left undefined. PEP 484 introduced a standard meaning
> to annotations: type hints. PEP 526 defined variable annotations,
> explicitly tying them with the type hinting use case.
> This PEP proposes changing function annotations and variable annotations
> so that they are no longer evaluated at function definition time.
> Instead, they are preserved in ``__annotations__`` in string form.
> This change is going to be introduced gradually, starting with a new
> ``__future__`` import in Python 3.7.
> Rationale and Goals
> ===================
> PEP 3107 added support for arbitrary annotations on parts of a function
> definition. Just like default values, annotations are evaluated at
> function definition time. This creates a number of issues for the type
> hinting use case:
> * forward references: when a type hint contains names that have not been
> defined yet, that definition needs to be expressed as a string
> literal;
> * type hints are executed at module import time, which is not
> computationally free.
> Postponing the evaluation of annotations solves both problems.
> Non-goals
> ---------
> Just like in PEP 484 and PEP 526, it should be emphasized that **Python
> will remain a dynamically typed language, and the authors have no desire
> to ever make type hints mandatory, even by convention.**
> Annotations are still available for arbitrary use besides type checking.
> Using ``@typing.no_type_hints`` in this case is recommended to
> disambiguate the use case.
> Implementation
> ==============
> In a future version of Python, function and variable annotations will no
> longer be evaluated at definition time. Instead, a string form will be
> preserved in the respective ``__annotations__`` dictionary. Static type
> checkers will see no difference in behavior, whereas tools using
> annotations at runtime will have to perform postponed evaluation.
> If an annotation was already a string, this string is preserved
> verbatim. In other cases, the string form is obtained from the AST
> during the compilation step, which means that the string form preserved
> might not preserve the exact formatting of the source.
> Annotations need to be syntactically valid Python expressions, also when
> passed as literal strings (i.e. ``compile(literal, '', 'eval')``).
> Annotations can only use names present in the module scope as postponed
> evaluation using local names is not reliable.
> Note that as per PEP 526, local variable annotations are not evaluated
> at all since they are not accessible outside of the function's closure.
> Enabling the future behavior in Python 3.7
> ------------------------------------------
> The functionality described above can be enabled starting from Python
> 3.7 using the following special import::
> from __future__ import annotations
> Resolving Type Hints at Runtime
> ===============================
> To resolve an annotation at runtime from its string form to the result
> of the enclosed expression, user code needs to evaluate the string.
> For code that uses type hints, the ``typing.get_type_hints()`` function
> correctly evaluates expressions back from its string form. Note that
> all valid code currently using ``__annotations__`` should already be
> doing that since a type annotation can be expressed as a string literal.
> For code which uses annotations for other purposes, a regular
> ``eval(ann, globals, locals)`` call is enough to resolve the
> annotation. The trick here is to get the correct value for globals.
> Fortunately, in the case of functions, they hold a reference to globals
> in an attribute called ``__globals__``. To get the correct module-level
> context to resolve class variables, use::
> cls_globals = sys.modules[SomeClass.__module__].__dict__
> Runtime annotation resolution and class decorators
> --------------------------------------------------
> Metaclasses and class decorators that need to resolve annotations for
> the current class will fail for annotations that use the name of the
> current class. Example::
> def class_decorator(cls):
> annotations = get_type_hints(cls) # raises NameError on 'C'
> print(f'Annotations for {cls}: {annotations}')
> return cls
> @class_decorator
> class C:
> singleton: 'C' = None
> This was already true before this PEP. The class decorator acts on
> the class before it's assigned a name in the current definition scope.
> The situation is made somewhat stricter when class-level variables are
> considered. Previously, when the string form wasn't used in annotations,
> a class decorator would be able to cover situations like::
> @class_decorator
> class Restaurant:
> class MenuOption(Enum):
> SPAM = 1
> EGGS = 2
> default_menu: List[MenuOption] = []
> This is no longer possible.
> Runtime annotation resolution and ``TYPE_CHECKING``
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Sometimes there's code that must be seen by a type checker but should
> not be executed. For such situations the ``typing`` module defines a
> constant, ``TYPE_CHECKING``, that is considered ``True`` during type
> checking but ``False`` at runtime. Example::
> import typing
> if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
> import expensive_mod
> def a_func(arg: expensive_mod.SomeClass) -> None:
> a_var: expensive_mod.SomeClass = arg
> ...
> This approach is also useful when handling import cycles.
> Trying to resolve annotations of ``a_func`` at runtime using
> ``typing.get_type_hints()`` will fail since the name ``expensive_mod``
> is not defined (``TYPE_CHECKING`` variable being ``False`` at runtime).
> This was already true before this PEP.
> Backwards Compatibility
> =======================
> This is a backwards incompatible change. Applications depending on
> arbitrary objects to be directly present in annotations will break
> if they are not using ``typing.get_type_hints()`` or ``eval()``.
> Annotations that depend on locals at the time of the function/class
> definition are now invalid. Example::
> def generate_class():
> some_local = datetime.datetime.now()
> class C:
> field: some_local = 1 # NOTE: INVALID ANNOTATION
> def method(self, arg: some_local.day) -> None: # NOTE: INVALID ANNOTATION
> ...
> Annotations using nested classes and their respective state are still
> valid, provided they use the fully qualified name. Example::
> class C:
> field = 'c_field'
> def method(self, arg: C.field) -> None: # this is OK
> ...
> class D:
> field2 = 'd_field'
> def method(self, arg: C.field -> C.D.field2: # this is OK
> ...
> In the presence of an annotation that cannot be resolved using the
> current module's globals, a NameError is raised at compile time.
> Deprecation policy
> ------------------
> In Python 3.7, a ``__future__`` import is required to use the described
> functionality and a ``PendingDeprecationWarning`` is raised by the
> compiler in the presence of type annotations in modules without the
> ``__future__`` import. In Python 3.8 the warning becomes a
> ``DeprecationWarning``. In the next version this will become the
> default behavior.
> Rejected Ideas
> ==============
> Keep the ability to use local state when defining annotations
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> With postponed evaluation, this is impossible for function locals. For
> classes, it would be possible to keep the ability to define annotations
> using the local scope. However, when using ``eval()`` to perform the
> postponed evaluation, we need to provide the correct globals and locals
> to the ``eval()`` call. In the face of nested classes, the routine to
> get the effective "globals" at definition time would have to look
> something like this::
> def get_class_globals(cls):
> result = {}
> result.update(sys.modules[cls.__module__].__dict__)
> for child in cls.__qualname__.split('.'):
> result.update(result[child].__dict__)
> return result
> This is brittle and doesn't even cover slots. Requiring the use of
> module-level names simplifies runtime evaluation and provides the
> "one obvious way" to read annotations. It's the equivalent of absolute
> imports.
> Acknowledgements
> ================
> This document could not be completed without valuable input,
> encouragement and advice from Guido van Rossum, Jukka Lehtosalo, and
> Ivan Levkivskyi.
> Copyright
> =========
> This document has been placed in the public domain.
> ..
> Local Variables:
> mode: indented-text
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> End:
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Ryan (ライアン)
Yoko Shimomura, ryo (supercell/EGOIST), Hiroyuki Sawano >> everyone else
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