[Python-ideas] Dart like multi line strings identation

Mike Miller python-ideas at mgmiller.net
Mon Apr 2 01:09:28 EDT 2018

On 2018-04-01 05:36, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> You are right that many of the prefixes can be handled by the same code:
>      rfd rfD rFd rFD rdf rdF rDf rDF
>      Rfd RfD RFd RFD Rdf RdF RDf RDF
>      frd frD fRd fRD fdr fdR fDr fDR
>      Frd FrD FRd FRD Fdr FdR FDr FDR
>      drf drF dRf dRF dfr dfR dFr dFR
>      Drf DrF DRf DRF Dfr DfR DFr DFR
>      # why did we support all these combinations? who uses them?

In almost twenty years of using Python, I've not seen capital string prefixes in 
real code, ever.  Sounds like a great candidate for deprecation?


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