[Python-ideas] Dart like multi line strings identation

Steve Barnes gadgetsteve at live.co.uk
Mon Apr 2 08:08:47 EDT 2018

On 01/04/2018 02:48, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 01, 2018 at 02:20:16AM +0100, Rob Cliffe via Python-ideas wrote:
>>> New unordered 'd' and 'D' prefixes, for 'dedent', applied to multiline
>>> strings only, would multiply the number of alternatives by about 5 and
>>> would require another rewrite of all code (Python or not) that parses
>>> Python code (such as in syntax colorizers).
>> I think you're exaggerating the difficulty somewhat.  Multiplying the
>> number of alternatives by 5 is not the same thing as increasing the
>> complexity of code to parse it by 5.
> Terry didn't say that it would increase the complexity of the code by a
> factor of five. He said it would multiply the number of alternatives by
> "about 5". There would be a significant increase in the complexity of
> the code too, but I wouldn't want to guess how much.
> Starting with r and f prefixes, in both upper and lower case, we have:
> 4 single letter prefixes
> (plus 2 more, u and U, that don't combine with others)
> 8 double letter prefixes
> making 14 in total. Adding one more prefix, d|D, increases it to:
> 6 single letter prefixes
> (plus 2 more, u and U)
> 24 double letter prefixes
> 48 triple letter prefixes
> making 80 prefixes in total. Terry actually underestimated the explosion
> in prefixes: it is closer to six times more than five (but who is
> counting? apart from me *wink*)
> [Aside: if we add a fourth, the total becomes 634 prefixes.]

Can I suggest, rather than another string prefix, that will require the 
user to add the d flag to every string that they use, we consider a file 
scope dedent_multiline or auto_dedent import, possibly from __future__ 
or textwrap, that automatically applies the dedent function to all 
multiline strings in the file.

This would reflect that, typically, a specific developer tends to want 
either all or no multi-line text strings dedented. It should have 
minimumal impact on the language, operate at compile time so be low 
overhead and avoid cluttering strings up.
Steve (Gadget) Barnes
Any opinions in this message are my personal opinions and do not reflect 
those of my employer.

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