[Python-ideas] Start argument for itertools.accumulate() [Was: Proposal: A Reduce-Map Comprehension and a "last" builtin]

Tim Peters tim.peters at gmail.com
Sun Apr 8 01:00:22 EDT 2018

Nick, sorry, but your arguments still make little sense to me.  I
think you're pushing an analogy between `sum()` details and
`accumulate()` waaaaay too far,  changing a simple idea into a
needlessly complicated one.

`accumulate()` can do anything at all it wants to do with a `start`
argument (if it grows one), and a "default" of start=0 makes no sense:
 unlike `sum()`, `accumulate()` is not

    specifically for use with numeric values and may
    reject non-numeric types [from the `sum()` docs]

`accumulate()` accepts any two-argument function.

>>> itertools.accumulate([1, 2, 3], lambda x, y: str(x) + str(y))
<itertools.accumulate object at 0x0000028AB1B3B448>
>>> list(_)
[1, '12', '123']

Arguing that it "has to do" something exactly the way `sum()` happens
to be implemented just doesn't follow - not even if they happen to
give the same name to an optional argument.  If the function were
named `accumulate_sum()`, and restricted to numeric types, maybe - but
it's not.

[Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com>]
> ...
> That concern mostly goes away if the new parameter is deliberately
> called something *other than* "start" (e.g. "prepend=value", or
> "first=value"), but it could also be addressed by offering a dedicated
> "yield_start" toggle, such that the revised semantics were:
>         def accumulate(iterable, func=operator.add, start=0, yield_start=False):
>             it = iter(iterable)
>             total = start
>             if yield_start:
>                 yield total
>             for element in it:
>                 total = func(total, element)
>                 yield total
> That approach would have the advantage of making the default value of
> "start" much easier to document (since it would just be zero, the same
> as it is for sum()), and only the length of the input iterable and
> "yield_start" would affect how many partial sums were produced.

As above, start=0 is senseless for `accumulate` (despite that it makes
sense for `sum`).  Raymond gave the obvious implementation in his
original message.

If you reworked your implementation to accommodate that NO sensible
default for `start` exists except for the one Raymond used (a unique
object private to the implementation, so he knows for sure whether or
not `start` was passed), you'd end up with his implementation ;-)

`yield_start` looks like a nuisance in any case.  As already
explained, most uses want the `start` value if it's given, and in
cases where it isn't it's trivial to discard by doing `next()` once on
the result.  Of course it could be added - but why bother?

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