[Python-ideas] Start argument for itertools.accumulate() [Was: Proposal: A Reduce-Map Comprehension and a "last" builtin]

Tim Peters tim.peters at gmail.com
Sun Apr 8 12:38:28 EDT 2018

Another bit of prior art:  the Python itertoolz package also supplies
`accumulate()`, with an optional `initial` argument.  I stumbled into
that when reading a Stackoverflow "how can I do Haskell's scanl in
Python?" question.


On Fri, Apr 6, 2018 at 8:02 PM, Raymond Hettinger
<raymond.hettinger at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Friday, April 6, 2018 at 8:14:30 AM UTC-7, Guido van Rossum wrote:
>> On Fri, Apr 6, 2018 at 7:47 AM, Peter O'Connor <peter.ed... at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>   So some more humble proposals would be:
>>> 1) An initializer to itertools.accumulate
>>> functools.reduce already has an initializer, I can't see any controversy to adding an initializer to itertools.accumulate
>> See if that's accepted in the bug tracker.
> It did come-up once but was closed for a number reasons including lack of use cases.  However, Peter's signal processing example does sound interesting, so we could re-open the discussion.
> For those who want to think through the pluses and minuses, I've put together a Q&A as food for thought (see below).  Everybody's design instincts are different -- I'm curious what you all think think about the proposal.
> Raymond
> ---------------------------------------------
> Q. Can it be done?
> A. Yes, it wouldn't be hard.
>         _sentinel = object()
>         def accumulate(iterable, func=operator.add, start=_sentinel):
>             it = iter(iterable)
>             if start is _sentinel:
>                 try:
>                     total = next(it)
>                 except StopIteration:
>                     return
>             else:
>                 total = start
>             yield total
>             for element in it:
>                 total = func(total, element)
>                 yield total
> Q. Do other languages do it?
> A. Numpy, no. R, no. APL, no. Mathematica, no. Haskell, yes.
>     * http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.ufunc.accumulate.html
>     * https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/cumsum.html
>     * http://microapl.com/apl/apl_concepts_chapter5.html
>       \+ 1 2 3 4 5
>       1 3 6 10 15
>     * https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/Accumulate.html
>     * https://www.haskell.org/hoogle/?hoogle=mapAccumL
> Q. How much work for a person to do it currently?
> A. Almost zero effort to write a simple helper function:
>    myaccum = lambda it, func, start: accumulate(chain([start], it), func)
> Q. How common is the need?
> A. Rare.
> Q. Which would be better, a simple for-loop or a customized itertool?
> A. The itertool is shorter but more opaque (especially with respect
>    to the argument order for the function call):
>         result = [start]
>         for x in iterable:
>              y = func(result[-1], x)
>              result.append(y)
>     versus:
>         result = list(accumulate(iterable, func, start=start))
> Q. How readable is the proposed code?
> A. Look at the following code and ask yourself what it does:
>         accumulate(range(4, 6), operator.mul, start=6)
>    Now test your understanding:
>         How many values are emitted?
>         What is the first value emitted?
>         Are the two sixes related?
>         What is this code trying to accomplish?
> Q. Are there potential surprises or oddities?
> A. Is it readily apparent which of assertions will succeed?
>         a1 = sum(range(10))
>         a2 = sum(range(10), 0)
>         assert a1 == a2
>         a3 = functools.reduce(operator.add, range(10))
>         a4 = functools.reduce(operator.add, range(10), 0)
>         assert a3 == a4
>         a4 = list(accumulate(range(10), operator.add))
>         a5 = list(accumulate(range(10), operator.add, start=0))
>         assert a5 == a6
> Q. What did the Python 3.0 Whatsnew document have to say about reduce()?
> A. "Removed reduce(). Use functools.reduce() if you really need it; however, 99 percent of the time an explicit for loop is more readable."
> Q. What would this look like in real code?
> A. We have almost no real-world examples, but here is one from a StackExchange post:
>         def wsieve():       # wheel-sieve, by Will Ness.    ideone.com/mqO25A->0hIE89
>             wh11 = [ 2,4,2,4,6,2,6,4,2,4,6,6, 2,6,4,2,6,4,6,8,4,2,4,2,
>                      4,8,6,4,6,2,4,6,2,6,6,4, 2,4,6,2,6,4,2,4,2,10,2,10]
>             cs = accumulate(cycle(wh11), start=11)
>             yield( next( cs))       #   cf. ideone.com/WFv4f
>             ps = wsieve()           #     codereview.stackexchange.com/q/92365/9064
>             p = next(ps)            # 11
>             psq = p*p               # 121
>             D = dict( zip( accumulate(wh11, start=0), count(0)))   # start from
>             sieve = {}
>             for c in cs:
>                 if c in sieve:
>                     wheel = sieve.pop(c)
>                     for m in wheel:
>                         if not m in sieve:
>                             break
>                     sieve[m] = wheel    # sieve[143] = wheel at 187
>                 elif c < psq:
>                     yield c
>                 else:          # (c==psq)
>                     # map (p*) (roll wh from p) = roll (wh*p) from (p*p)
>                     x = [p*d for d in wh11]
>                     i = D[ (p-11) % 210]
>                     wheel = accumulate(cycle(x[i:] + x[:i]), start=psq)
>                     p = next(ps) ; psq = p*p
>                     next(wheel) ; m = next(wheel)
>                     sieve[m] = wheel
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