[Python-ideas] Start argument for itertools.accumulate() [Was: Proposal: A Reduce-Map Comprehension and a "last" builtin]
Peter O'Connor
peter.ed.oconnor at gmail.com
Mon Apr 9 23:55:55 EDT 2018
Ok, so it seems everyone's happy with adding an initial_value argument.
Now, I claim that while it should be an option, the initial value should
NOT be returned by default. (i.e. the returned generator should by default
yield N elements, not N+1).
Example: suppose we're doing the toll booth thing, and we want to yield a
cumulative sum of tolls so far. Suppose someone already made a
reasonable-looking generator yielding the cumulative sum of tolls for today:
def iter_cumsum_tolls_from_day(day, toll_amount_so_far):
return accumulate(get_tolls_from_day(day, initial=toll_amount_so_far))
And now we want to make a way to get all tolls from the month. One might
reasonably expect this to work:
def iter_cumsum_tolls_from_month(month, toll_amount_so_far):
for day in month:
for cumsum_tolls in iter_cumsum_tolls_from_day(day,
toll_amount_so_far = toll_amount_so_far):
yield cumsum_tolls
toll_amount_so_far = cumsum_tolls
But this would actually DUPLICATE the last toll of every day - it appears
both as the last element of the day's generator and as the first element of
the next day's generator.
This is why I think that there should be an additional "
include_initial_in_return=False" argument. I do agree that it should be an
option to include the initial value (your "find tolls over time-span"
example shows why), but that if you want that you should have to show that
you thought about that by specifying "include_initial_in_return=True"
On Mon, Apr 9, 2018 at 10:30 PM, Tim Peters <tim.peters at gmail.com> wrote:
> [Tim]
> >> while we have N numbers, there are N+1 slice indices. So
> >> accumulate(xs) doesn't quite work. It needs to also have a 0 inserted
> >> as the first prefix sum (the empty prefix sum(xs[:0]).
> >>
> >> Which is exactly what a this_is_the_initial_value=0 argument would do
> >> for us.
> [Greg Ewing <greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz>]
> > In this case, yes. But that still doesn't mean it makes
> > sense to require the initial value to be passed *in* as
> > part of the input sequence.
> >
> > Maybe the best idea is for the initial value to be a
> > separate argument, but be returned as the first item in
> > the list.
> I'm not sure you've read all the messages in this thread, but that's
> exactly what's being proposed. That. e.g., a new optional argument:
> accumulate(xs, func, initial=S)
> act like the current
> accumulate(chain([S], xs), func)
> Note that in neither case is the original `xs` modified in any way,
> and in both cases the first value generated is S.
> Note too that the proposal is exactly the way Haskell's `scanl` works
> (although `scanl` always requires specifying an initial value - while
> the related `scanl1` doesn't allow specifying one).
> And that's all been so since the thread's first message, in which
> Raymond gave a proposed implementation:
> _sentinel = object()
> def accumulate(iterable, func=operator.add, start=_sentinel):
> it = iter(iterable)
> if start is _sentinel:
> try:
> total = next(it)
> except StopIteration:
> return
> else:
> total = start
> yield total
> for element in it:
> total = func(total, element)
> yield total
> > I can think of another example where this would make
> > sense. Suppose you have an initial bank balance and a
> > list of transactions, and you want to produce a statement
> > with a list of running balances.
> >
> > The initial balance and the list of transactions are
> > coming from different places, so the most natural way
> > to call it would be
> >
> > result = accumulate(transactions, initial = initial_balance)
> >
> > If the initial value is returned as item 0, then the
> > result has the following properties:
> >
> > result[0] is the balance brought forward
> > result[-1] is the current balance
> >
> > and this remains true in the corner case where there are
> > no transactions.
> Indeed, something quite similar often applies when parallelizing
> search loops of the form:
> for candidate in accumulate(chain([starting_value], cycle(deltas))):
> For a sequence that eventually becomes periodic in the sequence of
> deltas it cycles through, multiple processes can run independent
> searches starting at carefully chosen different starting values "far"
> apart. In effect, they're each a "balance brought forward" pretending
> that previous chunks have already been done.
> Funny: it's been weeks now since I wrote an accumulate() that
> _didn't_ want to specify a starting value - LOL ;-)
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