[Python-ideas] Move optional data out of pyc files

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Tue Apr 10 12:24:27 EDT 2018

On Tue, 10 Apr 2018 19:14:58 +0300
Serhiy Storchaka <storchaka at gmail.com>
> Currently pyc files contain data that is useful mostly for developing 
> and is not needed in most normal cases in stable program. There is even 
> an option that allows to exclude a part of this information from pyc 
> files. It is expected that this saves memory, startup time, and disk 
> space (or the time of loading from network). I propose to move this data 
> from pyc files into separate file or files. pyc files should contain 
> only external references to external files. If the corresponding 
> external file is absent or specific option suppresses them, references 
> are replaced with None or NULL at import time, otherwise they are loaded 
> from external files.
> 1. Docstrings. They are needed mainly for developing.

Indeed, it may be nice to find a solution to ship them separately.

> 2. Line numbers (lnotab). They are helpful for formatting tracebacks, 
> for tracing, and debugging with the debugger. Sources are helpful in 
> such cases too. If the program doesn't contain errors ;-) and is sipped 
> without sources, they could be removed.

What is the weight of lnotab arrays?  While docstrings can be large,
I'm somehow skeptical that removing lnotab arrays would bring a
significant improvement.  It would be nice to have more data about this.

> 3. Annotations. They are used mainly by third party tools that 
> statically analyze sources. They are rarely used at runtime.

Even less used than docstrings probably.



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