[Python-ideas] Idea: Importing from arbitrary filenames

Ken Hilton kenlhilton at gmail.com
Fri Apr 13 23:28:57 EDT 2018

Hi all,

First of all, please excuse me if I'm presenting this idea in the wrong way
or at the wrong time - I'm new to this mailing list and haven't seen anyone
propose a new idea on it yet, so I don't know the customs.

I have an idea for importing files with arbitrary names. Currently, the
"official" way to import arbitrary files is to use the "imp" module, as
shown by this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/3137914/6605349
However, this method takes two function calls and is not as (aesthetically
pleasing? is that the word?) as a simple "import" statement.

Therefore, my idea is to allow the "import" statement to accept one of
three targets.
First, the normal "import":

    import antigravity

which simply imports from sys.path.

Second, importing with a string literal specifying the path to a file:

    import '/home/pi/anti-gravity.py' *as antigravity*

Note the "as antigravity" in this statement - this is to avoid ambiguities
when choosing the global name to bind to. Should "import
'/home/pi/anti-gravity.py'" import to the name "/home/pi/anti-gravity.py",
"anti-gravity.py", "anti-gravity", or "anti_gravity"? None of those are
really ideal. Therefore, when the import target is a string literal, the
statement must include "as NAME".

Third, importing with an expression providing a value castable to a string,
specifying the path to a file:

    def file_in_home(filename):
        return '/home/pi/' + filename
    import *$*file_in_home('anti-gravity.py') *as antigravity*

Once again, for the same reasons, import statements like this must include
"as NAME" to avoid ambiguities. Notice that the expression is preceded by a
dollar sign ($) to indicate that what follows is an expression rather than
a name - imagine a scenario like this:

    antigravity_file = '/home/pi/anti-gravity.py'
    import antigravity_file as antigravity

Should it look for a sys.path module with the name "antigravity_file" or
should it use the value of the variable "antigravity_file"? Looking for the
sys.path module first before trying a variable's value would waste
processing time and potentially be unexpected behavior. Trying a variable's
value first before looking for a sys.path module would be even less
expected behavior. Therefore, a dollar sign must come before expression
imports to indicate that the import target is an expression.
Side note: the dollar sign was chosen because it mimics other languages'
conventions of preceding variable names with dollar signs, but any
arbitrary character not present at the start of an expression would work.
One more thing about expression imports: if the final returned value of the
expression is not a string, I believe the statement should raise a
TypeError (the same way that __repr__ or __str__ raise TypeError if they
return a non-string). Why? If the statement attempted to cast the return
value to a string, and the return value's __str__ method raised an error,
then should the statement allow the error to pass through, or should it
attempt to use a parent class's __str__ method? Allowing the error to pass
through would almost certainly be unexpected behavior; attempting to use a
parent class's __str__ method would take more time and more processing
power (though it would eventually reach "object"'s __str__ method and
succeed). Therefore, non-string expression values should raise TypeError.

What are your thoughts?

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