[Python-ideas] A "local" pseudo-function

Robert Vanden Eynde robertvandeneynde at hotmail.com
Sun Apr 29 22:14:17 EDT 2018

I really liked the syntax that mimicked lambda even if I find it verbose :

a = local x=1, y=2: x + y + 3

Even if I still prefer the postfix syntax :

a = x + 3 where x = 2

About scheme "let" vs "let*", the paralel in Python is :

a, b, c = 5, a+1, 2 # let syntax
a = 5; b = a+1; c = 2 # let* syntax

Which makes be wonder, we could use the semicolon in the syntax ?

a = local x = 1; y = x+1: x + y + 3

Or with the postfix syntax :

a = x + y + 3 where x = 1; y = x+1

Chaining where would be is syntax error :

a = x + y + 3 where x = 1 where y = x+1

Parenthesis could be mandatory if one wants to use tuple assignment :

a = local (x, y) = 1, 2: x + y + 3

When I see that, I really want to call it "def"

a = def (x, y) = 1, 2: x + y + 3
a = def x = 1; y = 2: x + y + 3

Which is read define x = 1 then y = 2 in x + y + 3

Using def would be obvious this is not a function call.

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