[Python-ideas] A "local" pseudo-function

Tim Peters tim.peters at gmail.com
Mon Apr 30 21:52:13 EDT 2018

[MRAB <python at mrabarnett.plus.com>]
> ...
> The intention is that only the specified names are local.
> After all, what's the point of specifying names after the 'local' if _any_
> binding in the local scope was local?

Don't look at me ;-)  In the absence of use cases, I don't know which
problem(s) you're trying to solve.  All the use cases I've looked at
are adequately addressed by having some spelling of "local:" change
nothing at all about Python's current scope rules.  If you have uses
in mind that require more than just that, I'd need to see them.

>> ...
>> If you agree that makes the feature probably unusable, you don't get
>> off the hook by saying "no, unlike current Python scopes, binding
>> sites have nothing to do with what's local to a new lexical scope
>> introduced by 'local:'".  The same question raised in the example
>> above doesn't go away:  in which scope(s) are 'r1' and 'r2' to be
>> bound?

> Any binding that's not specified as local is bound in the parent scope:

Reverse-engineering the example following, is this a fair way of
making that more precise?

Given a binding-target name N in scope S, N is bound in scope T, where
T is the closest-containing scope (which may be S itself) for which T
is either

1. established by a "local:" block that declares name N


2. not established by a "local: block

> local b:
>     local c:
>         c = 0 # Bound in the "local c" scope.

By clause #1 above, "c" is declared in the starting "local:" scope.

>         b = 0 # Bound in the "local b" scope.

By clause #1 above, after searching one scope up to find `b` declared
in a "local:" scope

>         a = 0 # Bound in the main scope (function, global, whatever)

By clause #2 above, after searching two scopes up and not finding any
"local:" scope declaring name "a".  By your original "the parent
scope", I would have expected this be bound in the "local b:" scope
(which is the parent scope of the "local c:" scope).

So that's _a_ possible answer.  It's not like the scoping rules in any
other language I'm aware of, but then Python's current scoping rules
are unique too.

Are those useful rules?  Optimal?  The first thing that popped into
your head?  The third?  Again I'd need to see use cases to even begin
to guess.

I agree it's well defined, though, and so miles ahead of most ideas ;-)


>> Note:  most of this doesn't come up in most other languages because
>> they require explicitly declaring in which scope a name lives.
>> Python's "infer that in almost all cases instead from examining
>> binding sites" has consequences.

> Would/should it be possible to inject a name into a local scope? You can't
> inject into a function scope, and names in a function scope can be
> determined statically (they are allocated slots), so could the same kind of
> thing be done for names in a local scope?

Sorry, I'm unclear on what "inject a name into a local scope" means.
Do you mean at runtime?

In Python's very early days, all scope namespaces were implemented as
Python dicts, and you could mutate those at runtime any way you liked.
Name lookup first tried the "local" dict ("the" because local scopes
didn't nest), then the "global" dict, then the "builtin" dict.  Names
could be added or removed from any of those at will.

People had a lot of fun playing with that, but nobody seriously
complained as that extreme flexibility was incrementally traded away
for faster runtime.

So now take it as given that the full set of names in a local scope
must be determinable at compile-time (modulo whatever hacks may still
exist to keep old "from module import *" code working - if any still
do exist).  I don't believe CPython has grown any optimizations
preventing free runtime mutation of global (module-level) or builtin
namespace mappings, but I may be wrong about that.

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