[Python-ideas] File format for automatic and manual tests

Rhodri James rhodri at kynesim.co.uk
Wed Aug 8 08:28:06 EDT 2018

On 07/08/18 22:57, Victor Porton wrote:
> This is an idea of a new PEP.
> I propose to create a portable file format which will list command line 
> options to run Python scripts with dual purpose:

You are going about this the wrong way.  If you want IDE-makers to use 
your putative file format, you are going to have to persuade them that 
it is useful.  Demanding that they do something because you like it is 
not persuasive.

(Personally I don't use IDEs, so you proposal is exactly no use to me. 
I don't think it's a suitable subject for a PEP.)

Rhodri James *-* Kynesim Ltd

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