[Python-ideas] Conduct on python-ideas

Jonathan Fine jfine2358 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 14 08:11:32 EDT 2018

Hi Everyone

Brett Cannon wrote:

> I shouldn't be having to explain to adults on how to communicate among
> strangers of different cultures, but here we are. I did an entire PyCon US
> keynote on why we need to treat open source as a series of kindnesses and
> react as such: https://youtu.be/tzFWz5fiVKU?t=49m29s . If we don't treat
> everything as a kindness then open source simply doesn't work and people end
> up walking way from open source and the Python community.

Well, I've just watched that video. Did anyone else? Recommended -
it's only 30 minutes.

Is that too long? Well, here's two extracts.

Video at https://youtu.be/tzFWz5fiVKU?t=4450

> If I had to give guidelines on how to communicate online:

> 1. Assume that you are asking *me* for a *favour*.
> 2. Assume your *boss* will read what you say.
> 3. Assume *your family* will read what you say.

Video at https://youtu.be/tzFWz5fiVKU?t=4094

> *If this sounds biased towards maintainers, that's because it is.*

> Simply based on scale, maintainers are abused much more
> often than contributors.

Once again, recommended. I hope you'll watch the video.


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